{54} Daughter of Merlin

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❝ a wise decision, daughter of merlin. ❞

♫:'bring me a dream. make her the cutest, ive ever seen.'-SYML, mr.sandman

She was behind one of the tall piles of things. Harry pushed her out of sight swiftly when Draco had made his presence known. She could watch the scene perfectly from where she sat. Draco stood in front, his wand drawn. Goyle and Blaise stood behind him, both their wands drawn as well. Her mind was racing. What the fuck had Draco gotten himself into? Was this what he left her for earlier? To look for Potter?

"I could ask you the same." Harry replied calmly. It seemed as though he had no fear for any of the three Slytherin boys that stood before him.

"You have something of mine. I'd like it back." Draco countered, and Leah couldn't suppress the scoff she felt bubbling in her throat. Seriously, Draco? The fighting is about to start, and you're arguing with Potter, about a bloody wand.

"What's wrong with the one you have?"

"It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it's, not the same...it doesn't quite understand me.."

She understood better now. If he didn't retrieve his wand, Narcissa wouldn't have one. His mum had saved his life, and risked hers in return.

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix? You knew it was me. You didn't say anything."

Just as Draco was going to reply, Goyle started muttering under his breath, to Draco. She could make out something along the lines of 'don't be a prat.' She was continuously getting closer to just stepping out from where she was hiding, and mingle into the fight. But just like her lover, she had no wand. Snapped by the Carrow's.

"Expelliarmus!" Leah flinched at the sound of Hermione Granger, caster of the spell. She quickly revealed herself- just in time, in fact, as she was just able to stop the green light that had emerged from Goyle's wand. She could hear Draco curse in complete fury. "You absolute brainless twat!"

Ronald Weasley too, was mad, as the curse had been directed towards Hermione.

Leah followed the sound, deeming her Draco more important than helping Potter, as she ran after the Slytherin boys.

"Draco?" She called out softly when she was unable to detect any sound from the boys. A distant crackle. Like one you would hear from a fire, slowly came closer, turned louder. Soon enough, Ron ran passed her, shouting.

"Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!"

She looked around herself in distress as an orange glow seemed to trap her. Within seconds, Draco took ahold of her shoulders, pushed her towards the highest pile that stood in close proximity, and helped her climb. Seas of orange and yellow flames swallowed the pathways below them as they hurriedly climbed the unstable pile. When they reached as high as they could, he took a strong hold of her hand, and started apologising.

"I'm so sorry for everything, Starlet. I can't-I'm so sorry." Just then, Goyle lost his grip, and fell. Swallowed in the orange lake beneath them.

"Don't." She hushed him, feeling a sudden coolness ripple through her veins. "Apologise after we leave this room." She removed her hand from his grip, glanced below her at the flames- which were nipping at their feet, sucked in a sharp breath and descended down the pile, into the flames. Though, she did not get burned. In fact, the flames almost made way for her. Satisfied with her discovery, she climbed back up.

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