{53} Here comes the cavalry

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❝ lovely pair, they are. ❞

♫: 'the nights were as dark as my baby.
half as beautiful too.'~hozier

"Miss Nightingale." Her Transfiguration Professor nodded briefly and gestured for her to sit down. The Slytherin girl hesitated for a moment, before obliging, a slight smile on her face. "Miss Weasley informed me of your return to the school, and your newfound abilities?" The older witch rose an eyebrow, causing Leah to chuckle softly.

"Erm...yeah- I sorta found out I might be a descendant of Merlin? It's a long story." Professor McGonagall laughed at that, and shook her head in amusement.

"You sort-a found out?" The older witch was clearly mocking her grammar and word usage, but Leah chose to ignore it as she nodded.

"I did some crazy healing stuff and created ice?" She blurted out.

"You created ice? Hmm.." Her Professor hummed, nodding, as she watched her in confusion.

"Well, I touched this lake and ice formed? It was an odd experience."

"Interesting. And these powers, the healing, the ice, can you summon them?" She questioned curiously, to which Leah shrugged her shoulders.

"Not really. They just jump in whenever I need them?"

"I'm afraid that than, I cannot help you, my dear." She sighed sadly. "Would you've been able to summon them- they could be trained, but powers that impulsive.." She shook her head. "Can only be mastered by yourself. A true descendant." Leah sighed in frustration.

"You can't help me?"

"I'm afraid not. You'll have to teach yourself, Leah."

"I don't want to do everything by myself anymore, Professor."

"You have no choice, Miss Nightingale. You're needed in this war."


It was an ungodly hour when Leah was nudged awake. She opened her eyes, sighing. She was met with the sight of a bruised Neville Longbottom. "Neville-" She said softly, her voice hoarse.

"The Carrow's were after me...I had no other place to go." He breathed out, slightly panicked.

"Okay, calm down." She was alert at an instant and sat up. "I'll get Seamus, and the rest and make sure they come here, alright?" She slipped on some shoes, putting her hair up afterwards.

"But if you're seen!-" He tried to warn her, but she paid no mind to his worried calls.

"I've got this, Neville." She smiled gently, slipping out of the room.

The Halls were hauntingly familiar. The gloomy atmosphere baffled her. Even in the halls, she could sense how afraid everyone was. She quickly found her way to the Gryffindor Tower, muttering the password (which Neville had told her) and walked into the common room. Funnily enough, Seamus and Ginny sat on the couch, discussing something, which made Leah's job a lot easier.

"Yes. - " She paused briefly. "- So tomorrow, after lessons, you gather the DA and you bring them to the Room." She finished her message, leaving the common room.

She felt content as she paced through the halls once more, now on her way back to the Room of Requirement, until she heard footsteps behind her.

"Turn around, and hand me your wand." It was a male voice. One she recognised, but had a hard time placing. Obviously, she didn't oblige, and slowly walked on. "Are you bloody deaf or something?" The man rose his voice, caught up with her, and forcefully grabbed her by the shoulder, turning her around to face him. He quickly let go of her shoulder when he saw who he had found.

kalon ~ d.mOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora