{35} A ray of fucking sunshine

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bloody hell! you look- woah.

: 'I love your hair like that
The way it falls on the side of your neck
Down your shoulders and back' ~Ed Sheehan, Tenerife sea

She hummed a peaceful tune, tying her hair up in a tight ponytail as she continued working. Cleaning the bar was always a godawful job. Sometimes, she'd spent hours and hours, simply just trying to remove the stains that were made by the countless and countless alcoholic beverages that were consumed here every, single, day.

Working men, who wanted to take the edge off.

Married men, who wanted to do the same.

Raging alcoholics, who were looking for something that would do more than just take the edge off.

Leah didn't blame them.

Alcohol was a coping mechanism, and it was quite easy to turn to for numbness.

Personally, she preferred others. Like smoking, for instance. It kept her stress free, and gave her a relief.

Working in a pub in the outskirts of London wasn't really the best way to hide from No-Nose, but, Leah didn't bother hiding anymore. Why would it matter, anyway? She was completely alone, so it wasn't as if anyone would care if she was just found and dealt with. Erased from existence.

At least then she wouldn't be pained by the past anymore.

Because Salazar, was she pained by the past.

The whole entire Wizarding World was going to shit. An upcoming, raging war, that had already taken everything from her was bound to take Wizarding Britain by storm, and she figured that leaving was the easiest, so that's what she did.
She left.

If everyone important to her could just leave her behind, why couldn't she leave all of it behind too?


"Draco?" She knocked gently on his bedroom door, desperately hoping for a positive response. Or at least a sign that he was alive. She carried a filled plate, though she knew that no matter what she tried, he wouldn't touch it. He refused to eat. Or come out of his room, for that matter.

However, Narcissa Malfoy refused to let her son starve himself without reason.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy-" She started sternly when she entered, her face set with strictness. He sat in a far corner of his room, curled up into a ball, his head on his knees, his arms hugging his legs. And to Narcissa's surprise- he was crying. "Oh my word...Draco...Dear.." She rushed over, making sure to close the door behind herself.

"Don't touch me." He whispered, shrugging off the hand that his mother had placed on his shoulder. "Please."

"Oh Draco...what's going on?" She asked quietly, her tone held worry.

"I had to protect her, mother. I didn't know what else to do. But with it, I've undoubtedly made her hate me." He sobbed out, trying to keep as quiet as possible. "I'm a horrible person..."

"Draco, what'd you do?"

"I lied to her, again...I-" He let out a whimper and shook his head, hiding it behind his hands. "-I told her I never loved her. That she was a part of my task-" He shuddered. "She would've followed me otherwise, mother. She would've been in danger...I couldn't risk it."

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