{36} Seven's the charm

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:'for all of the innocent things that I doubt.' ~James Young, Ill be good

"You look...different." Ron Weasley said carefully, looking at the girl that sat across from him in awe. She seemed more mature, she wore slight hints of makeup, but nothing too distracting.

"Don't underestimate what two months, and a little training can do, Ron." She grinned, leaning back in the chair she was seated in, sipping her tea.

"What is this 'Protectors of Salem' shit?" He asked bluntly, eliciting a warm, heartfelt laugh from her. He chuckled with her, scratching the back of his neck.

"Subtle, Ronald. As always." She giggled briefly, shaking her head and regaining her posture. "Basically female undercover Aurors?" His jaw dropped, and she giggled at his shocked expression.

"But how did you-" He started, baffled. "I don't understand-Woah, but then you're a- licensed Auror?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Theoretically, I guess." She deadpanned.

"That's bloody mental!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "How did you manage?" He was impressed. Very, impressed. She'd managed to become an Auror in two months?

"They-" She pointed towards her new friends, smiling contently. "Found me, basically. Trained me to be one of theirs, and now I am." She sighed.

"What about-" He swallowed, and she could see the emotion he was hiding in his eyes. "Malfoy?" He near-growled out, raising an eyebrow.

"I hope he rots along with the rest of them." She said neutrally, looking him straight in the eye. A slight pinge of guilt ran through her veins. Since she was not telling the full truth, but Ron, who seemed all too pleased with her answer, had an almost triumphant smirk on his face.

"What'd he-"

"Everything and anything that I ever had or shared with Draco Malfoy is long forgotten history, Ron." She said sternly, that same sense of authority clear in her tone.

"Understood..." He mumbled, slightly surprised at her change in demeanour. She had definitely changed in those two months. And not just physically.


"Potter, you're underage, which means you've still got the Trace." Mad-Eye murmured out, eyeing the Raven Haired Boy, who stood in the centre of the room.

Leah, Ryan and Goldi kept their distance, standing in a mere corner behind the Weasley Twins.

"What's the Trace?" Leah had to bite her tongue to keep herself from snickering. Seriously Harry? You're supposed to be the Strongest Wizard alive, but you've got no clue about the Trace? Hopeless case...

"If you sneeze, The Ministry will know who wipes your nose. Point is- we need to use transport the Trace can't detect." He spoke quite quickly, as usual." "We'll use brooms and thestrals-in pairs. That way if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be...they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one. I believe you're familiar with this particular brew?"

"No!-" Harry protested. "Absolutely not."

"Told you he'd take it well." Hermione Granger interfered, and this time, not even biting her tongue could prevent a snicker from leaving Leah's lips. She made eye contact with Ron, as he turned around, chuckling briefly before the conversation continued. After more protests from Harry, and the drinking of Pollyjuice Potion, it was Leah's time to speak up.

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