{18} A bitter draught

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her notes, they resemble...mr riddle's

: 'and if i wasn't so fucked up i think i'd fuck you all the time.' ~lana del rey, fuck it, i love you

JUST AS THEIR NEW POTIONS PROFESSOR HAD WANTED TO START, two boys barged into the room. Harry and Ron. Leah quickly recognised them, raising an eyebrow. They didn't take Advanced Potions, did they? She watched the boys in confusion as they say down besides Hermione, whispering something about McGonagall that she didn't quite catch.

Slughorn, seemingly only happy that Harry was joining his lesson, started.

"Welcome, Welcome! Very well! My advanced sixth-years. How nice. Now if you could all begin with opening your copies of Advanced Potion-Making." The Raven Haired Gryffindor raised his hand and started speaking.

"Manners." Leah muttered, hearing a slight chuckle come from her side, The Slytherin Prince quickly composed himself as he continued staring at the front of the class. She didn't bother to listen to the words that were exchanged between Slughorn and Harry. She couldn't force herself to care.

"Oh you needn't do that, I'm sure there are some old copies in the back of the class somewhere. Let me have a look.." The Professor walked over to the cupboards and looked through them, quickly finding two old, one a bit more than the other, worn out copies of Advanced Potion-Making. Harry and Ron, seemingly a bit startled by the state of the books, took them. She rolled her eyes at their behaviour. Children.

She raised her hand just as quickly as Hermione Granger did after their Professor asked his first question, but of course, it wasn't her who got the chance to answer his question.

Leah too had recognised the rare love-potion that went by the name of Amortentia. Its distinct features weren't difficult to spot.

Amortentia was the most powerful love potion in existence. It was considered to be a powerful and highly dangerous potion. As mentioned, it's dangerous to underestimate a powerful infatuation. Despite its power, Amortentia can't create actual love, it's not possible to manufacture or imitate love. The person under the effect of the potion will only hold an obsession for the person who administered it. Any child that is conceived while either or both parties are under the influence of the potion, causes the child in question to be incapable of ever recognising and or valuing true love.

The smells of the powerful potion differ for everyone, heavily depending on what you are attracted to.

Draco Lucius Malfoy, for instance, recognised the smell of quidditch equipment, vanilla and some sort of fruity smell. A shampoo, perhaps.

Katherine Leah Nightingale, on the other hand, wasn't really sure what she had smelled as she walked by the potion. After she sat down again, she had only recognised the smell of fresh parchment. She couldn't clearly make out what the other smells had been. She'd just found them, familiar.


Leah was always an organised student. She was never late to class. She never failed to bring the assigned homework, or essays, to class.

Horace Slughorn was positive that he hadn't seen notes as detailed as hers in over fifty years.

'Courtesy of Leah Nightingale
Subject; Potions
Period; 5th
Date; 3rd of September, 1996

Is the most powerful love potion in existence. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It has a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from it in characteristic spirals.

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