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Trixie pov:
When we got back inside my mom was sitting at the kitchen table like she was waiting for Katya and I to return.

"Hey mom?" I said placing my bags down. Katya walked behind me staying close.

"Where have you been? We ate dinner an hour ago!" Val exploded at me.

"Oh Katya and I ate out with Pearl and Violet," I explained, looking back to Katya who nodded.

"Well you know when we eat dinner and I expect you home by then." Val turned in her chair away from me.

"Mom I'm 25 and this is my house, I can come and go as I please. You aren't in charge of me anymore," I tried to explain.

"I am your mother."

"And this is my house and I'm letting you stay here." I shot back.

"What about Judy are you just gunna kick us out now?" She yelled.

"What? No I never said anything about anyone being kicked out. I'm just saying you can't treat me like i'm 16 anymore. And Judy is 19 you shouldn't be treating her like that either." I tried to explain.

"So now you're telling me how to parent?" She stood from the table.

"No i'm just saying you can't parent me anymore, and you should be letting Judy go too." I said.

"You don't know her at all. You just showed up for Christmas and decided you know whats best for her." Her voice dropped.

"Well I was right wasn't I. And you were fine with the idea of cutting her loose with Katya and I back at Christmas!" I yelled.

"How dare you! You have a lock on your bedroom door and you leave and don't tell us where we are going or who your with! Which by the way that Violet friend of yours doesn't seem like a very appropriate person to be hanging around with."

"What? What do you mean? How do you even know who she is?" Katya said. She was now standing beside me.

"I looked at her on facebook. She promotes all her stripper stuff on there. I would expect you to have better friends Beatrice. Is she the reason you lock your bedroom door and hide away?"

"What no? I have a lock in my bedroom door because it's my bedroom. I don't know why you're so caught up on that?" Also Violet and I are just friends she doesn't get me into things. And as for her burlesque its her dream to perform and the shows are quite cool." I felt like a 16 year old losing a fight with my mom again.

"I'm caught up because you've changed and you are into such perverted things! I didn't realize how bad it was until I came here. I can't go check on you because you lock your doors so you're obviously hiding things. And you're friends are all dirty too."

"I don't understand what the point of this is at all? I'm giving you a place to stay after I helped you leave and now you are criticizing my life? You're unbelievable." I sighed walking away. I went to my bedroom and shut the door.

Katya pov:

I watched as Val and Trixie fought, I didn't get into it because it wasn't my fight. It felt weird standing there but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

When Trixie walked away Val just stared at me and then the door opened. Judy walked in, she looked at the both of us and quirked her brow.

"What's going on? Where's Trixie?" She asked looking between me and her mom.

"She went to our room. This bag of stuff is for you, go knock and she'll go through all of it with you," I smiled and handed her the bag.

Val looked inside and scoffed but I ignored her and kept smiling trying to get Judy to go. When she finally did Val turned to me expecting me to say something.

"It's not my fight but, Trixie is doing allot for you and Judy. Take a break and talk to her later, you both need it." I said.

Val just gave me a silent nod and walked into the living room. I watched her go then went to my room. The door was locked so I gave it a small knock. After a second I could hear footsteps coming and then Judy opened the door a crack.

"Oh Katya come in! Trixie is showing me all the makeup and stuff she bought me!" She sounded excited.

I smiled back and came in closing the door behind me. I looked up to Trixie and gave her a smile with a knowing look. She just smiled back at me and waved me over to the bed.

I sat tucked into Trixie's side, her arm around me my head resting on her chest. She rubbed up and down my back while she talked to Judy about what she got.

"This week Katya and I will take you out to go look around the city so you can get new clothes and more makeup. We can even scout for some potential jobs. Do you have a resume?" Trixie asked Judy.

"Uh....no." Judy shook her head her cheeks blushing a bit.

"I'll help you kid don't worry." I said my eyes closed. Trixie kissed the top of my head and I let myself fall asleep.

"Thanks Kat!" I heard Judy say just as I dozed off. I felt Trixie kiss my head again and stroke my back. Her and Judy kept talking while I dozed off.

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