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Trixie and I arrived to our hotel a little later than expected but important things came up. but those things were important for many reasons: They let me dive a little deeper into Trixie and let me get to know her a little more. those things also brought to light the fact that we need to have a conversation about boundaries and kinks. clearly the both of us have some kinky skeletons in our closets and I want to know why Trixie didn't tell me what she liked during the multiple other times we've slept together? I also Want to ask Trixie about her family and why she never mentions them. she's met mine so why haven't I met hers? moral of the story is I have allot of questions I want to ask Trixie but I'll probably ask about her family at a more... appropriate time.

I waited until we settled in our hotel before I sprung my million questions on Trixie, watching patiently as she took her time unpacking her bags neatly placing each item in its drawer. once she finally finished she flopped down onto our king sized bed with an "Oof."

" Hey Trix can we talk?" I asked walking over to the bed. She sat up and looked at me realization washing over her face soon replaced with embarrassment.

" it's fine Kat it doesn't matter." she whispered pulling her knees to her chest getting shy and bashful as she does when she is anxious. she tries to hide herself away, something I'm sure she picked up during childhood.

" But it does Trix." I sighed crawling on the bed over to her resting my chin on her knees trying  to pull her out of the looming anxiety hibernation that was threatening to engulf her.

" no Kat it doesn't , it doesn't matter what I want we can just do what you like and forget about what I did , it was an accident usually I can control it better." she whispered tears brimming her eyes.

" Oh Trix." I cooed. It physically hurt my heart to see her this scared of being herself and having wants. I lifted my chin from her knees and pushed them down grabbing her hips and pulling her onto my lap. she wrapped her legs around my waist automatically and shoved her face into the crook of my neck, her favorite place to hide.

" Trix." I whispered slowly pulling her from my neck until she was arms length away. " look at me, hey look." I said taking her face in my hands making her look at me. her red and puffy honey brown eyes searching mine. " I love you I really do with all my heart and I want what you want Trix, I like what you do, I want you to be happy and fulfilled too. I don't want you to hold back or control it hon, besides you won't be able to control it forever so tell me what do you like baby? you like it when I call you my good girl." I whispered holding her lost gaze the entire time.

" yea." she croaked out her voice barley a whisper.

" good girl, what else." I cooed slowly getting her to open up.

" I-I like it when you take over and uh um tell me what to do and when you tell me I did good." she blushed getting flustered with herself not knowing the right words. it was adorable seeing her so shy but also a little concerning. I made sure to keep it as a mental note for later.

" what else ? " I asked getting a little eager.

" No your turn." she frowned jutting her bottom lip out.

" Okay, I like dominating over you and telling you what to and praising you, I also would like to maybe tie you up or blind fold you maybe use more toys?" I asked watching her nod. " your turn."

" I would like that allot and maybe uhm when you uh degrade me and call me a slut." she whispered her voice straining from holding back tears as she finished her sentence.

" of course baby." I reassured kissing her cheek. " would you like spanking for maybe being bad or breaking some rules we set?" I asked trying to keep things moving.

" I want that and can we do some semi public stuff and maybe set some safe words." she said her voice gaining a little bit of confidence back.

" that's a great idea baby." I praised her kissing her cheek. trying to show her it's okay to want things and have opinions.

" can I uh type up like a contract or something, just so we know whats good and everything?" Trixie asked out loud no longer whispering.

" Of course I'll grab my laptop." I said sliding Trixie off my lap.

I returned with my laptop and handed it to Trixie scooting beside her to see our contract and also so I could watch how she bites her lip when she is concentrating or how she scrunches her nose when she makes a mistake.


safe words:

-red: stop for a moment I need a break.

- yellow: slow down

- green: yes, good, go

- black: stop everything this isn't okay / I don't like this/ too far


-sub / dom relationship

- semi public stuff


- praise

- punishment

- toys


- always ask permission before coming

- always go over safe words

- no taking off blindfolds or undoing ties without permission

- always answer when talked to

Trixie and I finished typing up the list in about 30 minutes. We talked about each item on the list and we both agreed with it.

" Katya it's only 4:30 I'm bored." Trixie whined shutting the laptop and crawling onto my lap.

" well we're going out for supper and then to a special club so I suggest you start getting ready." I smiled at her. Trixies eyes lit up with excitement at my words then they quickly fell again.

" Kat I don't have a dress I didn't pack any nice clothes." she said sadly.

" I know thats why I got you one and it should be here soon so go start getting ready and I'll bring it to you when it comes." I said kissing her cheek.

" I love you so much you the best." Trixie squealed pulling me in for a quick sloppy kiss that only lasted a few seconds before she was scurrying into the bathroom getting ready.

Naïve // TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now