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" Morning baby." Katya greeted me. She curled against me like a cat rubbing herself against my warm body.

" Morning." I smiled kissing her forehead. She was adorable when she was like this, all mushy gushy in the maring after rough sex the night before.

" You're my fiancé now." She smiled up at me. 

" And you're mine." I cupped her face pulling her onto my chest. She smiled again looking into my eyes just as she connected our lips. As soon as they made contact Katya's Beautiful blue eyes fluttered shut and so did mine.

" You're the best kisser ever." She said as she pulled away dreamily.

" Well I would hope so." I chuckled wrapping my arms around Katya trapping her.

" We have to work today." She sighed rolling off of me.

" yes we do, so get uo lazy bones." I pinched her side making her jump.

" hey!" She shouted reaching out to pinch me.

" gotta get out of bed to get me." I called as I ripped the covers off and ran before she could get me.

" no fair." She yelled.

" Life's not fair." I called back. Oh boy, I had no idea how true that statement would be today. Not a clue.

Katya dropped me off as usual, she kissed me on the cheek and I waited untill I couldn't see her car anymore before I headed inside, the usual.

The thing that was unusual was my classroom door already being open. I walked over cautiously, peeking my head in the door I saw principal O'hara leaning against my desk.

"Ms.Mattel, come in." She said curling one sharp manicured nail at me.

" oh shit." I thought. Insted I just nodded and walked trying my best to seem normal.

" You caused quite a scene yesterday evening Ms.Mattel." She said not moving at all.

" Oh yea." I fumbled, what the hell am I supposed to say?

" Allot of parents are not to happy about it, and quite frankly neither am I." She stood crossing her arms as she headed towards me.

" Oh, I uh I don't know what to say." I scarmbled trying to think if anything. " Katya didn't mean to make a scene Principal, she accidentally dropped the box." I tried to explain.

" I don't care, it was inappropriate and quite explicit." She snapped.

" Explicit?" I asked. What the hell was explicit? The kiss? Was it too long? Katya didn't even use tounge!

" Yes explicit!" She raised her voice, a vein on her forehead bulging. " two woman getting engaged...infront of childern is one thing, but kissing! No I'm sorry making out! Was highly inappropriate! You crossed a line Ms.Mattel, a line you are going to pay for crossing."

" Principal O'hara that's extremely homophobic!" I gasped. What the hell is she saying? Its 2019!

" This is a conservative school for god honouring familes who belive in modesty, and we don't appreciate you sinning and being explicit in front of young impressionable children!" She yelled her face now fully red.

" You're pushing you're political and religious views on the school ms. O'hara that is highly unprofessional, how would the superintendent feel about that? Maybe I should call him and tell him what is going on!" I fought back, I know I shouldn't, I know it makes things worse but I couldn't help it!      "This is not a private religious school Ms.O'hara! It is a public school that is not supposed to push religious or political views unto its children! We are here to educate them and that's it! They are supposed to form their own opinions outside of school!"

" Fist of all it's Principal O'hara to you, and second of all, You can't call the Superintendent because you are on leave! The school board has decided to suspend you and have the division board review your case! So pack up and leave! You don't work here anymore and I doubt you ever will again!" She spat walking away before I could even respond.

I didn't even grab my stuff ot put it in a box, no. I grabbed my purse from my desk, turned around, and left. I marched down the halls refusing to even shed a tear in this god danm school.

I walked down the side walk finally letting my tears fall. I just got this job last year, just got it and now, it's gone. I'm 'suspended and up for review.' Its fucking ridiculous, homophobic, and unfair! Who the hell is even in the school board? How could a bunch if PTA moms get me suspended!?

Eventually I began to feel again, my feet were aching and my arms were cold. I wanted to go home bow but I didn't have car. Of fucking course my non driving is biting me in the ass now! Why do I have to be so god danm scared of everything! Why can't I just be normal and fucking drive.

" Fuck!" I yelled throwing my coffe to the ground. Everyone on the street looked around me but I didn't care.

This was it, this was really happening, I'm having a mental breakdown on the streets on Boston in the middle of morning rush hour for everyone to see. Pathetic, thats what I was, fucking pathetic.

I grabbed my phone and called my mom first, I didn't want to call Katya and ruin her newly engaged bliss.

" Beatrice?" My mom answered. I couldn't talk I just sniffed into the phone. " Beatrice whats wrong?" She asked.

" Mommy." I sobbed into the phone my voice cracking. I couldn't stop. I just sat there and sobbed into the phone listening to my mom on the other end trying to calm me down.

" Beatrice, Beatrice, honey calm down. Breath." She soothed her calming voice filtering through the phone.

My breathing evened out and I stopped hiccuping, only little sniffles leaving my bose every once and a while.

" Okay honey, now tell me what's wrong?" She said her voice soothing my aching heart.

" I-I got put o-on on leave at work." I hiccuped my tears coming back." B-Because Katya and I got e-engaged in the parking lot and the Principal saw! She said it was explicit and inappropriate and sh-she put me on leave! And now the School division has to l-look at my case." I was sobbing again.

" Oh honey I'mm so sorry." She cooed into the phone. " Maybe they just beed time to come around Trixie. Remember me? And how it took me time, maybe that's what they need. You can't expect everyone to accept you and Katya's lifestyle hon. You guys aren't normal, your different, and different is hard for people. She lost Me and now I  was sobbing hysterically again. Why was my mother defending the woman who just fired me!

I hung up the phone on her and called Katya. Fuck the engagement bliss, it was gone and I needed help, help before I almost pass out on the street from crying.

Her phone rang once, twice, three times, then straight to voicemail. That meant she sent my call to voicemail, she was busy or maybe her phone was just too loud. I tried her work and same thing so, I gave up. I took an Uber and got off the freezing streets.

Okay so let me just clear up a few things here before people start hating on me.

1) I don't think Phi Phi is a viallan at all and I know how she was portrayed on drag race isn't how she really is however, someone has to be the bad guy and she was it. I took inspiration from the political challenge from S4 were they were asked questions at the podium ect.

2) yes, I know it's 2019 and Not all LGBTQ stories have to be sad and have to have the main character face discrimination and homophobia ect. But even though it is 2019 people like Trump are making it so things like this could actually potentially happen. Boston is literally were straight pride started so hop off my back okay. I'm bit pushing some obscure message, its a story, it needs a plot and this is thr one I have chosen.


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