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TW: the next few chapters are going to have allot sensitive topics in them so please tread carefully.


We arrived at the run down looking home and I couldn't even begin to imagine how people even lived here. The place was a sty, old green paint was peeling off the siding in flecks giant chunks already gone. The roof was no better with almost all of its shingles lifted. The lawn was so neglected I'm pretty sure its  its own Eco system now.

I looked over at Trixie who was grasping my hand tightly like it was her last lifeline. She was just staring up blankly at the house, her eyes were unfocused and glossy. I knew she was being hit with a tidal wave of long repressed memories I knew that look I've had it before and I could see it in her eyes. I left it alone and just stood there holding her hand letting her do this at her own pace. Trixie suddenly snapped out of it and dropped my hand striding up to the door. Since I've known Trixie for awhile now this didn't surprise me. That's how she deals with hard things, she zones out and thinks about preparing herself then she goes and doesn't look back.

I followed her to the door with our bags but I didn't grab her hand. I've heard enough about Dane to know that wasn't a smart move. as soon as I placed our bags down the door swung open and I picked them up again. I stood silently beside Trixie watching, ready to inter-vein. The door was opened by who I assumed was Dane. He isn't at all what I expected. He was tall slim and fit his face well shaven only a few wrinkles tarnishing his face by his forehead, He was completely absent of a beer belly and scruff. He looked normal.

" Beatrice you're back what a surprise after 5 years! " He said in a tone I couldn't quite gauge. He sounded happy but also patronizing and rude. I don't know what his game is yet but I will.

" Hello Dane." Trixie said keeping her voice level, channeling all her anger and anxiety into her clenched fists.

" Why are you here Beatrice? Things not work for you so you come crawling back." He seethed leaning towards Trixie.

" Actually quite the opposite, I've been fairly successful and I came to repay my mother and Judy." She countered pushing past Dane into the house. " I'm Home." She called out. Almost seconds later hurried footsteps could be heard rushing through the house. It was like I was seeing a whole new Trixie and I was proud of her.

" I guess you can come in to." Dane said turning to me opening the door more. As I walked past him he grabbed my ass and gave it a squeeze. I stopped in my tracks and turned looking at him. " I'm a Russian Mafia Dyke as you would say so I would let go if I were you." I said grabbing his wrist and shoving his hand away and continuing into the house.

I looked around as Trixie's mother and who I assumed was Judy occupied Trixie. The place was small and just as rundown on the inside as the outside. The carpeted floor was covered in stains and the furniture was broken and outdated. I noted the many crosses and other religious symbols crowding the walls of the house the " presence of god." was really being shoved in your face.

" Beatrice introduce your mother to the uh Russian mafia dyke I think she called herself. " Dane said trying to make up for Trixie's shoving her way into the house.

" Oh so you show up after five years and bring another dyke with you. Beatrice what happened to all the manners we taught you huh?" Her mother questioned a look of pure hurt across her face tears welling in her eyes.

" Mom stop we're even lucky she came back, don't ruin this and scare her away like you did before." Judy interrupted.

" Ladies Please lets not fight, Come Beatrice , Russian Dyke." He said gesturing to me. " Lets go eat and have a civil discussion." Dane grabbed Val's arm in a way that almost crossed the line between Normal and abusive. I took note at how easily Dane took control of Val and fast she was to submit to him.

" My name is Katya by the way , It's very nice to meet you Ms.Mattel you as well Judy I've heard quite a bit about you too." I said once we were all sat at the table. Judy perked up at my mentioning of her and I could see a small smile creep onto her face.

" It is nice too meet you to katya maybe we can give you the solace and lessons of god too, you don't have to follow Beatrice's sinful ways." Val said giving me a worryingly warm smile.

" Mom please that isn't why I came here." Trixie quickly interjected throwing me an apologetic glance. I just gave her back a small reassuring smile and resumed pushing my corn around my plate listening to the family again.

" Then exactly why are you here Beatrice?" Dane cut in before Val even had the chance to speak.

" I came to check up on mom and Judy, see how things are going you know make sure tings are safe." Trixie replied. there was allot of weight behind what she didn't say and Dean tensed at that.

" Everything is fine now Beatrice." Val spoke as though it was rehearsed.

" You came for me?" Judy whispered in the midst of it all. Nobody else heard her but I did.

" She did." I whispered leaning closer to the 18 year old. " She wanted to make sure you were safe from Dane same with your mom, she really cares Judy she never forgot about you." I said giving her my warmest smile.

" You know about...That?" Judy whispered back at me her eyes wide.

" I do." I said. I was about to elaborate more but was pulled from our little chat by the mention of my name.

" I think it is time for you and Katya to head out Beatrice, you wouldn't want to impose right?" Dane said clearly losing his composure.

" Don't be silly dear they can stay here in Trixie's old room." Val insisted suddenly a twinge of frantic desperation in her voice.

" Look mom I-." Trixie started.

" We would love to stay ms.Mattel thank you so much for the hospitality you as well Dane." I cut Trixie off suddenly noticing the bruises on Val's arms as she fiddled with her shirt selves trying to hide them.

" Perfect, Judy show the girls to their room." Dane said standing suddenly. I turned and looked to Judy giving her a re-assuring smile.

" Okay follow me." She said with the enthusiasm of her 12 year old self.

I followed Judy and Trixie down the hallway and to the old bedroom, It was small and pink ( obviously). once we reached the door Judy spun on her heel and ran down the hallway shouting over her shoulder.

" My room is just right beside yours."

" Great, thank you." I called back to her. I turned around and closed the door, my eyes were met by Trixie's as she sat on her childhood bed her face in her hands.

" can we just go too sleep now please I'm to tiered and anxious to be conscious right now." She groaned falling back on the bed.

" Of course Kiska." I said warmly, walking over to the bed and tucking Trixie in. I pulled her close to me so I could feel her squirming around and having trouble sleeping. I snuggled in closer to her and started whispering her a song  right in her ear.

" I'm Roxxxy Andrews and I'm here to make it clear, I know you love me baby that's why you brought me here." Was as far as I got before Trixie was still again, out like a light little snores coming from her every few minutes. ( gotta lighten it up a little ya know ?)

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