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Trixie pov:

I held Katya's hand as we walked back to the car my head swirling with thoughts and questions. Should I be the bigger person in this or do whats best for me?

" wanna go to lunch and talk this over air out all your thoughts." Katya said squeezing my hand. She always knew what I was thinking and what I needed.

" please ." I said nodding and squeezing her hand back.

She smiled and nodded swinging our hands as we walked to the car. It felt nice being with her. Actually someone in general who isn't using me. She liked me genuinely liked me and cared about me. She wanted to get to know me and what I had to say. It was cute and so is she. Actually no she's hot like sinfully hot.

Katya and I got in the car her driving resting her hand on my thigh and bopping her head to the music lightly mumbling along. I smiled at her cutness and leaned my head back on the seat letting eyes slip closed.

" hey Trix we're here get up hon." Katya said shaking me lightly.

" hmmmm" I groaned stretching in my seat. " okay." I said getting out of the car and walking beside Katya.

" I was gunna ask where you wanted to go but you fell asleep so I just brought you here. It's my brothers restaurant. Hope you like Russian." She smiled nervously.

" well If his food tastes anything like you then I love Russian." I said cheekily.

Katya looked me wide wide eyes and blushed furiously as she pushed open the doors to the small dark restaurant.

" privet miss Zamolodchikova I will send Alexie to your regular table." The blonde waitress said eyeing up Katya.

Katya took my hand and led me to a private table at the back of the restaurant. The booth had soft velvet cushions and a sheerish plack curtain that could enclose the customers inside if privacy was needed.
I sat down on the plush cushions and placed my hands on the dark hard polished oak table, it was engraved beautifully and had an ashtray with a lighter by it in the middle.

" so this is your table yeah?" I said rasing my eyebrows at her.

" yes." She said rolling her eyes and taking my hand in hers across the table. " want a smoke while we wait." Katya asked.

" please." I said as she handed me one.

She lit hers first then held the lighter to the end of mine as I leaned forward. I inhaled deeply and blew out a cloud if smoke away from Katyas face.

" so this house what do you want to do with it?" She asked.

" I dont know I like all of Michelle's options but I'm not sure I need to make a pro's and con's list. I said pulling out a light pink pad of paper and a sparkly gel pen out if my pastle pink purse. I miss my pink clothing but I still make sure to throw a splash of pink in with Katya's dark clothes.

" you always have some pink on you hey?" She said rhetorically.

" yea yea whatever you know you love it." I said rolling my eyes and leaning in to kiss her.

" I love it just like how I like your country stuff." She mumbled into the kiss.

" hmmm." I said into her lips.

The smoke from cigarettes resting between our fingers swirled around us enclosing us in our little closed curtained booth. Katya deepened the kiss a little pressing her lips harder against mine running her tounge over my bottom lip.

" Yekaterina what a pleasant supprise." A male voice said opening the curtains. I went to pull away but Katya held me back for one last small peck. I smiled and blushed shyly taking a drag of my cigarette as the  man I assumed was Alexie talked to Katya.

" yes I havent been back here in a while, been avoiding dad is he still disowning me or is his temper tantrum done." Katya said coolly leaning back in her chair bringing her cigarette to her lips.

" ah yekaterina always one to stir the pot but yes he still mad a little less mad but still very mad. You should just un freeze his assests and makeup." Alexie said.

" no if he was a real man he would come to me." Katya said. She was being a confident strong woman and it was hot.

" and who is your guest Katya." Alexie said turning to me.

" ah yes Alexie this is Trixie my umm my Trixie." She said copying me. I smiled at her quickly before turning to Alexie.

" Hello it's nice to meet you, I love the restaurant its very nice." I said giving him a polite smile. My palms where sweating and I was so nervous that I messed up making a fool of myself. Internally I was dying. I hate meeting new people. I'm very good at being polite as social but it only lasts so long before I'm a mumbling mess.

" what brings you here Katya?" Alexie asked.

" what can I not just come to my brothers restaurant for a nice lunch with my, ah guest." Katya said.

" no you always want something." Alexie said.

" well this time I don't now leave me and Trixie be oh and sent a waitress I'm starved." Katya said shooing her brother away.

I smiled at her and started writing on my pad of paper. I stated with option one and wrote my cons first.
- have to pay for everything myself
- have to kick out Kim and Pearl
- have to leave Amy's
- my own home
- get to kick out Kim and Pearl.

I read out my list to Katya and she nodded thinking for a moment.

" more cons then pros next option.
- kim and Pearl get to keep living at the house
- have to keep paying rent for the rest of the month.
- have to negotiate pricing with Kim and Pearl
- have to be Kim and Pearls landlord.
- get to live with Amy
- hold power over kim and Pearl.

" nope same thing plus your Pros suck you just made those up so you had something." Katya said.

" fine I said reading my last option.
- renting to strangers
- have to pay for house while I find new tennants
-have to face Kim and Pearl
- could look like the bad guy in the Kim and Pearl situation.
- another source if income
- I win the fight against Pearl and Kim
- I get to stay with Amy
- can kick out the tenants and live in the house later in life if I need to
- get to re decorate.

" I like that option." Katya said. " but don't let me sway you." She grabbed my hand. I thought about it and decided I love living with Amy she has been my friend since childhood and always told me how Kim and Pearl were I just never listened, and I could also use the money.

" I like it to the only thing I'm really worried about is Kim and Pearl. I also have to get my stuff" I sighed.

" well after we finish our borscht we can go get your stuff and you can be back to your usual pink self." Katya said looking over at me.

" yeah." I mumbled trailing off at the end.

" I can go with you if it makes you feel better and I know it may seem like allot but once you have your stuff you can let them know what your doing and get it all over with at once." Katya suggested.

I knew she was one hundred percent right and it all made sense but I was scared even If Katya is coming with me. I just dont wanna be used again.

" Trix if your not comfortable we can play it by ear and go one step at a time." Katya said squeezing my hand.

" okay just let me finish and I'll call Michelle on the way over." I said

" okay hun I'll be right back I'm just going to go to the washroom." Katya said sliding out of the booth.

I nodded and slurped up my last bit of borscht. It was delicious and I made Katya promise to make it for me on our dates. I'm so glad I'm with her. I'm not really sure if we're dating yet? Yea we went on a date I don't really count our first meeting as a date but hey. Maybe when we go on more I'll build up the courgae to ask her out.

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