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" Oh thats awful babes, I'm so sorry c'mere." Amy said pulling me into her arms. I explained everything that happened with Katya, and she sat there attentively listening like thw amazing friend she is.

" What am I going to do Amy!" I cried. Katya hasn't even left yet and I already miss her, but I'm also still mad at her. Things are just so much right now my emotions are so conflicting.

"You are going to stick to your guns Trixie! You can't go crawling back now especially after what she said! If you guys really wanna be together you need to work things out, and sometimes you need space before you can do that." Amy offered rubbing my back.

" Thanks." I sniffed pulling my face out if her shoulder.

" What are friends for?" Amy squeezing my shoulder.

" Speaking of friends." I giggled waggling my brows at her. "Who was your little friend you had on the couch?"

" Okay how about we set up your bed!" Amy got up quickly trying to hide her blush.

That night I stayed at Amy's and slep on her couch. Turkey and I had a reunion as well, with him snuggling up in my lap all night.


The next moring I woke up and immediately checked my phone, nothing. Katya's flight had already left and she still said nothing.

I spent the day moping around the house with Turkey while Amy was out. I wanted to go home if course, but, the fight was still fresh and I still needed a moment.

Around 2:00pm I was pulled out if my moping by a call from Michelle.

" Hello?" I answered confused as to why she was calling me.

" We got a break in the case!" Was all she said not even bothering to greet me back.

" What!" I yelled completely frozen in place. A break, in the case? Finally! We had been waiting for so long for another teacher besides Jinkx to say something!

" Yea!" Michelle sounded as excited as I did. " Jinkx got another teacher, umm their name issss Ian turner?" I heard papers ruffling on the other end of the line.

" Ian!? What happened to him? I thought he had a wife?" I asked remember a lovely brunette accompanying him to all the staff parties.

" Come down in 30 minutes to see! That ls when his appointment is." Michelle's voice became neutral again.

" okay, um where do I park though?" I asked realizing I would have to drive myself downtown.

" Just park wherever Katya usual does, or...wait why are you driving?" Michelle stopped.

" Katya is uh...out of town." I stuttered. It wasn't a lie but it also wasn't the full truth either.

" Mmm we'll talk about it later." Michelle said sounding unconvinced. " Just lark behind the building, see you in 30!" She hung up before I could answer.

I quickly called Amy and asked to borrow some stuff before showering and getting ready.

When I got to my car I was a little shaky, its been awhile since I last drove. Well except last night, but I was so upset I didn't even know what I was doing so it doesn't count.

I followed my GPS and tried to push down my nerves as I pulled upto the office.

Finally some good news.

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