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"Katya lets go The Cab is waiting down stairs." I yelled lugging my one small bag and Katya's 3 giant ones to the back door.

" looks like I have more stuff than you for once." She said with a smirk pecking my cheek as she walked by opening the door for me.

" I hate you." I sighed dusting off my pink yoga pants.

" thats not what you said last night." She joked poking my side.

" hey." I said following her into the hallway and and grabbing her waist and pulling her close to me. I was about to connect our lips but Katya pushed away.

" not out here kukla." She said sadly gesturing to the bell hop coming towards us to grab our bags.

" right." I whispered sadly.

The bell hop came and took our bags down and loaded them in the cab for us. Once he finished we sped off on our 45 minute drive to the airport. I kept my hand in Katya's the entire ride as well as when we waited for the plane and when we boarded the plane. We where set on a direct flight back to Boston for 12 hours so I was cuddled up against Katya laying my head across her lap sleeping while she stroked my hair. It was 2 hours into the flight when I was woken up by an announcement.

" Ladies and gentlemen due to some unexpected mechanical issues we have to turn around and take an emergency landing in Germany. You will head back to Boston Massachusetts after a 2 day one night lay over in Germany, hotels will be provided sorry for the inconvenience. " the announcer said over the coms.

I looked up to Katya and she looked Anxious and annoyed. She was itching to get back home and see her father and Alexie. She was upset about the entire Russia ordeal as I have nick named it and wanted to know why they sent her. I could see that what she did was taking a toll on her though. Katya is strong and tough yes, but violent not so much. Yes of course I knew she would stand up for me or herself when necessary but she still didn't like it. She told me it reminds her of her past and how she used to be when she did drugs.

" Trix can you get up I gotta go to the washroom." Katya said fidgeting with her fingers her leg bouncing and face pale.

" yea sure." I said standing slowly and watching her.

" thanks." She said quickly rushing to the washroom.


I fucking hate flying , I hate it with a passion it makes my anxiety go on overdrive no matter how much control I've gained of it over time.

I was sitting in my seat stroking Trixie's hair while she slept trying to chase some rest of my own when the announcemer spoke over the com.

"Ladies and gentlemen due to some unexpected mechanical issues we have to turn around and take an emergency landing in Germany. You will head back to Boston Massachusetts after a 2 day one night lay over in Germany, hotels will be provided sorry for the inconvenience. "

Fucking great another 4 hours just to go back to Germany not even home. I just want to get home and see Alexie and my father and ask them what the fuck is going on. Why the fuck would they send me out there like that, to be killed.

Trixie looked up to check on me after the announcement and she caught me off gaurd seeing the anxious look on my face. I tried to breath for a few minutes but it was no use I felt like I was going to puke for the millionth time on this trip.

" hey Trix can you get up I gotta go to the washroom ." I said smiling at her nervously. I could feel my face paling and I needed to get to the washroom fast.

"Yea sure." She said getting up slowly and watching me with narrowed eyes.

" thanks." I said as I rushed past her and to the washroom.

I open the slim door and shoved myself into the tiny washroom immediately doubling over the toilet. I emptied my stomach then sat there for a moment before I got up and check myself in the mirror. I fixed my messy blonde pony tail then headed back to my seat.

" hey Kat you want some gum"? Trixie asked me holding the packet.

" oh no thanks I'm okay babe." I said going back to fixing my blanket.

" are you sure? Its good for popping your ears." Trixie said shoving the gum closer to me.

" Trix I'm fine really. " I said looking up at her confused. She sighed and rolled her eyes at me.

" katya I know you puked in the bathroom because your breath smells like hydrochloric acid." She said popping a piece out of the pack for me.

" oh I- sorry I just got anxious I swear I'm not sick anymore though." I said taking the gum with an embarrassed smile.

" It's fine Kat I was just trying to be descrete but your freakin clueless." She joked leting out a little giggle.

" not to seem more clueless but why does my breath smell like hydrochloric acid and not just puke?" I asked with a toothy smile.

" hydrochloric acid is puke , its your stomach acid like the stuff that digests your food for you." Trixie said smiling.

" god your such a nerd." I rolled my eyes.

" no just a teacher with basic biology knowledge." She shot back quirking her eyebrow.

I just leaned over and kissed her cheek making her smile and kiss my forehead. Its so cute when she goes all teacherly and explains things because you can tell she really cares she really wants you to understand. She is passionate, I love it.

"  got to sleep Katya." She said noticing me fighting to keep my eyes open.

" will you play with my hair though." I asked acting like a child but I didn't care I just wanted her to hold me I missed her allot when I was gone

" of course." She said guiding my head into her lap lacing her fingers in my hair running her long manicured nails over my scalp.

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