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Katya pov:

Russia was lousy, it sucked even more than the time I was poisoned. At least when I was in a drug fulled cold sweat nightmare I had Trixie to support me. Now I don't and I'm alone talking to a bunch of old Russian ladies who clearly didn't care about their dead sister. I've been here for 4 days and have made virtually no progress. All them seem to care about is money and why I am here. I've explained it a thousand times and am so over explaining it now that I just glaze over it. I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to read the will and plan the funeral myself. Driving back from my hotel to Ingrid's place is just a waste of time with how unhelpful they all are. It's like trying to talk to sacks of potatoes. I miss Trixie and just wish I could talk to her, I'm sure I maybe could, but I have a feeling none of my calls would be picked up with the way I left things.

I regret that fight so much, it was so destructive. It ruined the best thing in my life I've ever had. I didn't even mean what I said, so now I sit here and cry. Playing wit Trixie's ring as I mourn the two losses I've recently encountered. I wish I could just pick up the phone call her and apologize, but that's not enough, not after what I said. Of course I had time for her and us. At the time I was just s tired and frustrated and I couldn't think. She was yelling and crying and asked question all at once and I didn't know what to do so I freaked. I freaked out and yelled at her and she didn't deserve it. Of course there is stuff for us to improve and we did move fast but it doesn't mean we are unhealthy. I means we are like any other couple but my stupid fried brain of course didn't get that until now.

After a long day at Ingrid's house I lay awake in bed unable to sleep. It's been like that since I got here, but tonight was different. Trixie's works rattled around my head " Don't come back until you're sure you want to marry me." I knew now that I wanted to marry her. But I had to stay in Russia for at least another week. I refuse to try and re-propose over the phone, that's awful. I'm just going to have to wait, but the least I can do now is try and apologize.

I rolled over in bed and grabbed my phone speed dialing Trixie. My heart raced as the phone rang. I wasn't sure if I wanted her to pick up or not. I would love to hear her voice again but I'm not sure if I could do it with her on the other end listening as I speak.At least if it goes to voicemail I can re-do it.

Trixie pov:

My phone rang loudly waking me up. I had no idea what time it was but guessing from the quiet house and streets it was late. I didn't check who it was before I picked up, inside I just hit accept and brought the phone to my ear croaking out a hoarse "hello?'

"Trixie?" A voice hat I could never forget gasped on the other end.It was Katya, was she surprised I picked up? It's not like she has left me any calls to block in the first place. She has been radio silent for 6 days now.

" what." I spoke firmly, I was definitely awake now.

" I- I didn't think you would answer." Katya stuttered.

" Well its not like I've been ignoring your calls since well you haven't tried to speak to me in almost a week." I shot back. I knew it was a bit mean but really? six days?

" I know I'm sorry I-I just I didn't know what to do Trix." Katya sounded a little desperate maybe even sad.

" What do you mean you didn't know what to do Katya? I told you clearly figure it out before you come back." I tried not to yell not wanting to wake Amy. Yes I've been staying at her place since the fight, I can't bear to go home.

" And I did Trix I figured it out, that's why I'm calling." Katya kept going even though I was being kind of awful.

" You're just calling me about that now? It took you 6 days across the world to realize you wanted to marry me? What happened to the whole thinking process oh I don't before you gave me the ring?" I shouted scaring Turkey. he leaped off my bed as I got up and threw on a robe heading out to Amy's patio.

" No Trix wait that's not what I mean. Of course I knew I wanted to marry you before I gave you thing. I didn't mean anything I said during the fight I swear. My brain was so fried I wasn't thinking clearly. And now I feel so bad and I knew the minute I got here the answer to your question, it just took me 6 days to work up the courage to call because I felt guilty for how mean I was." Katya sounded like she was about to cry, but I already had. I had tears streaming down my face the col night air making them sting my cheeks. Was I really going to forgive her this easy, over a phone call, after all she said? But she was there for me for so much and put up with so much shit.

" I- Kat I don't know." I finally sighed after a few minutes of silence. " I' I just can't forgive you for all that you said over the phone, we need to talk in person. When will you be back?" I asked pacing the small concrete space I had.

" I totally understand Trixie, a phone call isn't enough, but at least it's a start. And I'll be back in a week latest." Katya said sounding relived. And honestly I am too. As mad as I am I could never imagine my life without her.

" Hey Trix?" Katya asked into the phone her voice sounding small.

" Yeah?" I answered trying to sound allot nicer than before.

" I miss you allot." She confessed.

" I missed you allot too." I admitted wishing we could just make up in person now and hug. I missed feeling her so much, her arms holding me safe and close, her sweet kisses on my forehead, everything.

" I know we aren't 100% okay but can we at least text? maybe start the discussion over the phone?" She asked. I knew she was holding her breath waiting for me to answer.

" Yeah, we can. I can't go much longer without hearing from you, it hurts to much I admitted fresh tears sliding down my cheeks.

" I know the feeling baby." Katya whispered making my heart flutter a little.

" Goodnight Katya."

" Goodnight Trixie."

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