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Trixie pov:
Katya and I managed to slip away for a day and hangout with Violet and Pearl. I loved Judy and my mom of course, it was just weird having to live with them again. It was kind of hard. It brought me back to childhood a bit. My mom also made things a little tense too. I know she is just trying to adjust but it's odd to have her come into my adult life and try to act like my mom again. She has been weird, trying to act like she can set curfews for myself and Katya. She has been doing it to Judy too. I find it more understandable but it still isn't right, she is almost 19 now! And if anything I should be setting rules for her since she is living in my apartment!

"Hey Trix you good?" Katya asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry, i'm just still caught up on how weird my mom is acting. She seems to really hate that we have a lock on our bedroom door." I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car, taking Katya's hand and resuming the conversation as we walked down the sidewalk.

" Yeah I noticed too but i'm trying to give her the benefit if the doubt, she is probably still adjusting. But you know her better than me, does she really seem super off?" Katya asked.

"A little," I sighed. "But I'll give her more time before I say anything, It has only been a week and a bit. I just feel bad for Judy." I said.

"I know, me too! She is so excited to be here and has been so active in trying to set up her life but it just feels like all that goes away when she is near your mom." Katya offered. "I'm not trying to overstep or bad mouth anyone, but thats what it looks like. Unless there is something else going on?"

"No I see it too. I want to try and sneak Judy out with us for a day, maybe take her around the city and get her new clothes and makeup and stuff so she can interview better and also just have fun." I squeezed Katya's hand.

"I get that. I wish she wasn't taking a gap year in school, it would be so good for her to go! She would meet so many new people and really boost herself into a new life," Katya sighed.

"I agree, it's my mom who is holding her back, she won't let you help. I get not wanting to seem like they are leeching but you've already made it clear you don't mind." I rolled my eyes.

Katya nodded and opened the door to the cafe for me. I instantly spotted Violet and Pearl and gave them a small wave. The five of us (Katya included) have been texting each other in a group chat. We even added Amy since she met Pearl and Violet at the party and have gone out with them since. It felt good to have my friend life at least together.

"Hey guys hows it going with your extra guests?" Pearl asked as we sat down. I explained everything that was going on and both her and Violet agreed with Katya and I's side.

"Well why don't we go shopping now and you can pick up Judy the makeup she needs now so you can save time for clothes and the fun makeup for later?" Pearl suggested.

"That'd be great!" I smiled at Pearl. Bow that we have patched things up her and I have really gotten closer and i'm glad. She is so sweet and thoughtful.

Violet and Katya also found unexpected friendship in each other and bow they chat all the time too! I'm really happy we have stuff on track. I can't help but think about the ring Katya has(?) in a box somewhere. I know she took it when I threw it to her but I don't know if she kept it. It was expensive but she could also 1000% survive the loss and buy a new one.

"Okay so would you say this matches her Violet?" Pearl asked as she held foundations against the skin of my face. Judy and I have the same colour but I didn't want to buy the same brand. Mine is expensive and I want her to have something she'll be able to maintain and re-purchase while she gets herself on her feet.

"No the lighter one is better," Violet pointed to the shade left if the one Pearl was pointing too.

"Hold on the store is yellow lighting, get your  flashlight." Pearl turned to Violet.

"I cant my hands are covered in makeup and shit." Violet looked to Pearl.

"Same and Trixie is our model, where is Katya?" She turned to me.

"Oh um I'm not sure, she probably wondered off to the skin care so she could check some fancy stuff out." I giggled when I spotted her doing exactly that. She was holding an anti-aging serum and I had to hold back a snort.

"There she is." I nodded towards her with my head.

"Katya get over here we need your arms," Violet called, getting the attention of some of the other people in the store. They looked at her but she just looked right back.

"Why do you need my arms?" Katya frowned as she came over. She was holding the serum but was covering the label with the palm of her hand.

"The lighting in here is too yellow. We beed the white of your phone flashlight to balance it so we can find the perfect shade." Pearl explained.

"Okie then I don't get it but I trust you." Katya held her flashlight up to my face.

I winked at her as Pearl and Violet decided. When they chose the shade Katya went up to the register and got it while the three of us tried to wipe off as much of the makeup off our skin as she could.

After the makeup was bought we got smoothies and then all parted out ways. As Katya and I walked back to the car I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze, keeping it in mine until we had to separate.

When we got into the car and she started driving I looked at her face. It wasn't wrinkly at all.

"Hey you know you don't need that serum right?" I asked looking to her.

"Oh. You saw that?" She spared me a quick glance, her eyes focusing back in the road.

"Yeah. I saw you puttering around, I just didn't think you'd buy it." I said. "You know you're not old right? And you don't look old either."

"Thanks, its just. The pressure of this job has aged me a few years and I'm not a fan." Katya explained.

"I don't think it has at all! You look young for your age Katya. Your hot. And your age isn't even old." I explained.

"Thank you." She smiled to me as we pulled into the lot. "But I bought so i'm gunna use because honestly it wasn't cheap." She smiled laughing a bit.

I giggled along side her too going up the elevator down the hall and into the apartment.

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