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I walked beside Judy as we made our way through the mall. Katya promised her a phone and I'm honestly so glad she stepped up because I can barley handle this myself. She had really been helping allot with Judy, and my mom too. I really like seeing this side of her, it's cute.

As we entered the mall my eyes looked around doing a scan of the place. It's changed. Not to much but still. It was odd being back here. The place that used to be my safe haven away from home but also my touturer. This place used to keep my away from Dane but it also reminded me how poor I was, taunting me with all the outlet displays full of items I could never afford. Items I could only have in my dreams when I imagined my perfect life.

" C'mon Trix." Judy tugged on my arm pulling me along with Katya.

We walked around the big building and stopped by all the kiosks. Katya was ruthless. Just because she had miney doesn't mean she wants to spend all of it. We came back to the BellMTS kiosk and she was negotiating with a poor man named James.

" absolutely not that is a garbage deal I want unlimited data." Katya argued.

" well its not really unlimited, after 15GB its slows so I would suggest a set amount for less money."

" Why would I pay more for unlimited if its the same as 15 gigs set, quit fucking me in the face with your bullshit!" Katya said slamming her hand down on the counter.

" Katya calm down he's just doing his job." I said coming behind her. I placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed her back. I gave James an apologetic smile trying to ease the situation.

" I'll take an Iphone 8 15 gigs of data , unlimited text and calling for 80$ a month final offer or I walk and call your manager." Katya said.

" okay , okay yes we can do that just give me a minute and I'll go get the phone." James squeeked scurrying away.

Katya turned to Judy and gave her a big smile. Judy had one just a big on her face. They shared a high five and started talking about how the new phone.

In that moment I watched them. I saw how happy Judy was and how much Katya helped her, how much she likes her and protects her. I need to stay. I can't leave yet. Judy needs me and I need to get through to my mom before I go.

" Trixie is going to have to help you with your phone because I can barley work mine." Katya laughed

" How old are you?" Judy asked instantly clapping a hand over her mouth. " sorry I shouldn't have said that." She mumbled.

" oh no its okay I'm 29." Katya smiled. Judy's eyes went wide as she did the math and figured out the 7 year age difference.

" man if mom knew she would freak! You're in a Lesbian relationship with a woman 7 years older than you and you live together." Judy said thinking about it.

" yup thats why you can't say anything to her." I said looking at her with a pointed look.

" I won't, I promise." She said taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

After that we got the phone and left the store. We walked around for a bit more but eventually settled down at a table in the food court.

" can you set up my phone now? We have to do it before we get home remember." Judy begged looking at Katya then me.

" c'mon Trix." Katya smiled kissing my cheek.

" okay, okay hand it over." I said rolling my eyes. i've  only been around Judy for like a day but I've already fallen back into my big sister role.

I sat and set up Judy's phone while her and Katya got us food.

" small fries right?" Katya asked as she got up.

" yup." I smiled at her.

" okay be right back." She leaned over kissing my cheek.

Her and Judy left and I opened up the phone. I set myself as her fist emergency contact then Katya. I also set up her medical ID and texted mine and Katya's numbers so we had her number.

" a small fries for youuu." Katya sang as she came back placing down our trays.

" thank you." I smiled " and here's your phone all set everything up now you just have to set a wallpaper and download apps." I turned to Judy handing her , her phone.

" thanks Trix." She said snatching it from my hand excitedly.

We all sat and ate lunch together. Judy was already getting used to her phone and basically knew how to use it. Katya and I sat and watched her set everything up. She leaned into me and I rested my head on her shoulder holding her hand in my lap.

" It's weird." Judy said suddenly looking up at us.

" whats weird." Katya asked looking just as confused as I was.

" just seeing you guys together. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just weird. Like I haven't seen 2 girls hug and kiss eachother like that. You know?" She explained.

" I do know, when I left Milwalkie and went to Boston it felt like all I could see was lesbian couples, at first it was weird but now I'm one of those couples so yea..I get what you mean." I assured her visibly easing her too.

" we should probably head back if we're leaving today Trix." Katya reminded me looking at her phone.

I saw the Judy's face fall and remembered what I realized earlier today. I had to stay for her and so I could utilize the 10 days I had left to help my mom.

" no we're staying for the last 10 days, we have too. Mom needs help." I said looking to Judy who nodded in agreement.

" she needs to wake up." Judy said tears in her eyes.

" and she will...I promise."

Naïve // TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now