3-Patching up lost ties

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Ship: Narusasu/SasuNaru
Naruto: The number one knuckle head,Shy
Sasuke: Cold person,likes Naruto,don't know what he has,clan us still alive,kind person
Past events
~thoughts in past events~
This contains
-Shy Naruto
I used to always watch him get bullied.
Sasuke at 5 years old one year before they got sent into the academy.
~hmm what's that~ I run towards it seeing a the weird blonde everyone's been talking about getting beer bottles and rocks thrown at him.

"HEY! What's the big idea I just went to get some food" he shouts at the man at the food stand. "AND HOW MANY TIMES I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME IN MY SHOP YOU DEMON FOX" the man then throws a rock landing it on the blondes head. The blonde kid stands up as I see him have scratches,cuts, and bruises on his legs and arms some looking fresh and some old. The blonde kid tries to run but the villagers just push him back to the center as they continue to throw things at him.

~just stay away it's not your business~

No it was my business. I should of protected him yet I didn't pay a bother.

I run back to my clan base on the out skirts of the village. Going to my house seeing brother shuriken training in the back, I giggle before I join him and I throw,aiming for the middle. "Where were you Sasuke?" I say, "Oh I was walking around the village seeing a Kid getting hurt by some villagers from our village" I aim my last one looking at him seeing him look down like he feels,bad for what I told him.

"So you saw him huh" I cock my head ~like am I suppose to feel bad to.~

Urg I should of felt bad.

It was Sasuke's first day of the academy and Naruto's as well.

I walk in the classroom immediately seeing the girls look at me and the guys with come glances I make it to my seat which I sat all the way in the back on the second row. I cross my hands as I wait for class to start.

3o minutes later

I pay attention to the teacher whomp just walked in saying, "Hello students My name is Iruka call me Iruka~Sensei" I just stare until I pay attention to the poor which opens and a certain blonde comes in falling on the floor. Everyone giggles as he gets up hearing Iruka~Sensei say, "Hello,good morning you may get to your seat" I see the blonde nods as he begins to walk back to the back corner next to Shikamaru Nara next son to the Nara clan. Anyways I watch him look at the teacher with his head down as I turn my head hearing the teacher explain.

At Recess

I smile before I see all the students head outside to play and I follow. Once I get out there I see a lot of people playing with there groups and people talking and having fun, I smile but then I see the blonde sitting alone in the corner on a bench. I start to head over there seeing a ball roll near him, he picks it up and I see the kid who dropped it I guess go over to retrieve it but then he stops and runs. I make it half way there seeing the kid run to his group,I lean on the gate and I hear the ball kid say, "Don't go near that blonde my momma told me he's a monster" I widen my eyes walking off to where the blondes at seeing him jump over the gate,running into the woods.

The next month at the academy during recess

~Ok imma do imma talk to him~ I see him playing ball by himself,Throwing it at the wall and catching it.I smile as I walk near him saying, "Hey wanna play catch" he turns to me and smiles brightly saying, "Sure um...what's your name?" He scratches his head and I say, "My name is Sasuke Uchiha,yours?" he says, "Naruto,Naruto Uzumaki" I smile as I see him throw the blue ball to me and I throw it back.

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