Chapter 46 : Romance

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A month later :

Gauravi was seated in her room, humming a tune with earphones plugged in her ears as she was sketching. Nishaant walked into her room from the balcony. She was too engrossed to even notice his arrival. He tip-toed towards her and stood behind her chair. He peeked at her sketch, hovering over her, it was of a woman trying to get hold of her scarf that had been taken away by the wind.

He smiled, and watched as she was completely engaged in the sketch. There was an untapped philosophical side of her. He had often noticed how her sketches depicted abstract nouns.

He gently put his handd on her shoulder. She immediately lifted the pencil off the sheet, removing her earphones. "Mr.Lambu, you would have spoilt my sketch!"

"How did you know it was me?" He asked looping his arms around her shoulders, taking her in a back hug.

"Who else can it be?" She asked, finally turning her head around.

He looked at her with longing. She had literally not let him sleep with her after her abortion ended. It was a very painful and torturing phase for her.

The good part was it was over for good and she came out clean. They had a mandatory follow up with Tina two weeks after she took the pills and everything was normal.

Yet, to be sure, they had gone for another check up the day before. There was nothing worrisome, Gauravi's health was back to normal. And from the next month onwards her periods would also settle to their normal cycle.

"Came to say good night?" She asked smiling.

She knew he missed sleeping with her. They usually spent time together in the nights unless either of them had work to get done. They would simply talk, or watch a movie or even just sit together listening to music, staring at the dark sky. The unpredictable situation had taught her one thing, Nishaant was the guy who'd stick by her through the worst phase of her life. What more could she ask in a life partner?

After spending sometime together, she'd shoo him away to his room while he would plead to sleep together.

She couldn't take he risk to sleep with him. They both weren't great at keeping their control in check. One thing always led to another and they were both slaves to the wants of their bodies. The last thing she'd want was another storm like the previous one.

"Gauravi, please? I swear no sex."

"Nishaant, please. No ,no and no."

"I miss it.." he pouted letting his fingers caress her arms. She quickly pushed his fingers away, despite loving their feel. She was just too scared to be close to him, physically.

"Mr. Lambu, do you want me to bring in Bhaiya ..."

"God, you're such a loser. Always bringing in Bhaiya between us." Nishaant made a face of disapproval. Shiv and Gauri's bond had got stronger over the past few days. So much that, Gauravi literally made complaints about Nishaant to him.

"Aye," she warned pointing to him.

Nishaant smiled grasping her arm pulling her off the chair. His arms quickly snaked around her waist causing her body to collide with his.

"Nishaann!" She gasped.

He quickly bent, picking her up in a single sweep of his arms. He carried her to the bed, laying her down, coming over her.

"Nishaant, what's wrong with you?" She exclaimed, meeting his twinkling eyes with her wide and shocked ones.

"I am really horny today and there's no way I am backing off." Nishaant muttered, kissing her neck.

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