Chapter 17 : Avoidance

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Nishaant wasn't surprised the next morning when Raashi told him that Gauravi had left early. In retrospect, he felt that he had gone a little too far. Who kisses a girl and then tells her she's a coward? His timing was messed up. But he wasn't wrong.

* * *

Gauravi had a plan sketched out in her mind. Avoid stupid Lambu Oberoi. She had requested her cousin brother to send over some money so that she could buy a bike. After much reluctance he finally agreed, taking a promise from her to always wear a helmet and never ride fast. He had transferred the funds today. Luckily for Gauravi, Tushaar's elder brother was selling his wife's two-wheeler. It was in good shape so she decided to buy it and save some money.

"Hey!" A voice came from behind her. She turned in her chair. "Yes?"

"Hi, I am Chirag. I am also an intern. Actually my college had final reviews going on last week so I couldn't join. I've spoken to Rohit Sir and Natasha Ma'am. She was sort of busy so she just asked me to meet the team sitting here. "Umm, are you Miss Gauravi?"

"Yes. Hi, I am Gauravi." Gauravi smiled getting off the chair and on her feet. "And that's.." she turned to Tushaar's chair, only to find it empty. "Okay, Tushaar isn't here. But he usually sits here, we are both interns."

"Right. So how are things going? And just fill me up on the work flow here and project."

"Internship is going great so far." Gauravi began and then started filling him with what designs they were working on. Tushaar joined them in some time.

"Where were you?" Gauravi asked.

"Washroom. Did I have to take your permission?" He teased and glanced at the charming guy seated on the chair beside Gauravi's.

He smiled, and the man took the cue to introduce himself. "Hi, I am Chirag."

"Hi, Tushaar."

Gauravi looked at Tushaar, "He is the other intern. Remember Maam told us there was another intern who'd be joining a little late owing to college finals."

"Of course, I do." Tushaar smiled and then turned to him. "Nice meeting you."

"I was just filling him on the project we are assigned." Gauravi said.

"Let's go to one of the meeting rooms and discuss?" Tushaar suggested Gauravi agreed, grabbing her notebook and pen.

* * *

Nishaant was observing Gauravi at the dining table. She hadn't even bother to spare a glance his way. In the evening after work, he hadn't bothered calling her or texting her.

Why should he be her tail?

She had apparently bought a scooter for herself, from what he heard from Raashi and his mother's conversation.

After dinner, Nishaant went for a walk with his brothers. When he was returning and was walking down the corridor towards his room, he heard her voice as he neared the door to her room. He stopped by the wall listening.

Great, Nishaant, now you've got a bad habit of eavesdropping. She is such a bad influence on you.

"Tushaar, just take care of yourself and sleep. I will finish the presentation." She said aloud.

"Sweetheart, don't make me feel useless. Tell me the topics I must cover on the slides." Came the voice from her phone's loud speaker. 

Oh, really, sweetheart?

Something seemed to be brewing between them.

"Sweetheart, you sleep and recover. I have anyway finished most of it. I will mail you the presentation with a script. The script will tell you which slides you're going to talk about. Now good night Tushaar. I am ending the call."

She also said 'sweetheart'.

Nishaant lightly pushed the door using the tip of his forefinger and peeped in.

She was sitting on the floor, almost facing the door, with an A3 sheet stretched out before her. Alongside was her laptop. She was drawing something on the sheet. Her eyes were focused on the nib of the pencil she held. Her body leaning forward.

He couldn't help but run his eyes admiring her short but milky white legs. Then there were those hanging boobs. She must so consider wearing a bra at least until she hit the bed. Maybe she didn't like wearing one. He smiled stealthily passing by her room.

Why does she have to be so damn alluring?

He had seen more than a decent view of her rounds. The way her lower lip was rolled into her mouth, between her teeth, while she was focusing on her drawing had his member twitch. The mere image was driving him nuts. His lust for her was only growing. He rubbed his palm over his face deciding to have a cold shower and probably do something about the hardness that had come into existence with his far from decent thoughts.

* * *

Nishaant mustn't be frustrated but he was. Seeing that stupid Tushaar sit behind Gauravi on her bike when they left work made his blood boil. His body was so close to hers. Anyone would mistake them for a couple. Annoyed he headed over to the Oberoi office for the board meeting his dad had called.

Later that night, after dinner, Nishaant decided to talk to her. He didn't know why he had this urge to talk to her.

He wouldn't admit openly, but he missed her. He reached her room to find the door ajar. He stood with his shoulder leaning against the frame of the door, folding his arms, "How is working going?"

Gauravi who was seated on the bed preoccupied with the task of folding her clothes looked up. "Fine." That was all she answered looking down, focusing on the work she had on her hand.

Nishaant felt his blood boil. She was ignoring him on his face. Talking to her suddenly felt like a bad idea. "Great." He muttered walking away. She could go to hell with her attitude.

What did she think she was? Miss World?

He shook his head shutting his room's door. Agreed she was pretty, smart and well– sexy. But now he was seeing all that he hadn't seen before. She was too much of herself.

Like he cared! She could go to hell and have tea with the devil. He didn't give a flying fuck.

* * *

Gauravi paused what she was doing when she heard the loud sound of the door slamming shut. She sighed.

What does he think of himself?

She wondered why did he even stop by her room. She hated how he was all smiles with that, Natasha, during lunch breaks. He had even seen her flirt with Saarika, the HR. He was like that to any woman. She grimaced. She was so stupid to think that he liked her. That she was special for him.

But now the realization was slowly rolling in.

Maybe she was just a quick fix to his manly desires. Thank God, they didn't go anywhere beyond a kiss.

For all, she knew he could just be looking for a casual fling. She being the girl next door was an easy and excellent option perhaps. She was so not going to take the crap he threw her way. If he thought she'd fall for his charming smile, or his enchanting eyes or his handsome face or his well- chiselled body, he was wrong.

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