Chapter 14 : Silent Contemplation

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Gauravi's gaze met his as he leaned against the bonnet of the car reading something on his phone.

"Hey!" She greeted.

He looked up and merely nodded in acknowledgment, walking around the car to get inside the car. He repeatedly kept telling himself that he had no right to be mad at her. It was her freaking life. She could do whatever she pleased to as she pleased. She wasn't bound to him in any way.

"Had a nice time?" He found himself asking, as he maneuvered the car out of the parking. It did come out a little taunting.

"Yes, I did." She replied. "I didn't expect you to come over." She tried striking a normal conversation, instead of their regular snapping.

"Well, Daadi has made me your personal chauffeur." He tried joking. But his own voice sounded anything but funny to him.

"I told her I would take the cab. Sorry, she bothered you."

Nishaant simply nodded. He disliked the way this conversation was proceeding. His irritation at the thought that she might be dating that idiot, that intern was cascading into his tone. Thankfully her phone rang, before he said something more snarky.

"Hi Viddhi, yes I am on the way back home. No, why would Tushaar be with me!" Gauravi frowned irritated. Viddhi informed her that she couldn't get in touch with Tushaar.

"He would also be on his way back home. He is not a kid. Just try to get some sleep Viddhi, I don't want a zombie version of you around me. Good night!" She ended the call.

Why the hell did Viddhi think she'd be going back with Tushaar? Stupid woman.

"All okay?" He asked still confused about the relationship between Tushaar and Gauravi.

Were they so close that her friend thought she was leaving with him?

"Yeah. Just a tiring day." Gauravi sighed, resting her head against the seat closing her eyes.

He took a deep breath, raising the glass window on her door, to half so that she was comfortable. The sound of the wild wind died. He pressed the button to switch on the radio. Songs from the eighties and nineties were playing. Nishaant enjoyed driving back home on the empty roads, listening to the music and at times stealing glances at her as she slept like a baby.

* * *

Nishaant patted Gauravi's cheek softly to wake her up, when she didn't wake up on being called. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Sleepyhead, we have arrived," Nishaant spoke standing back, holding out the door for her to get out.

Gauravi tilted her neck sideways and got out. Her clumsy steps caused the heel to almost skid on the sand and she lost balance. However, nothing worse happened as his hand was around her waist supporting her. Gauravi blinked, now fully awakened, as her heartbeat soared due to the sudden jerk.

"You okay?" He asked concerned, his arm supporting her. His voice was low. His gaze looked at her kindly.

Only when she nodded in positive he pulled away from his hand. The realization hit Gauravi.

His hand was around her! How did she miss it? Why didn't she feel the warmth?

She let out a yawn. Maybe she was too sleepy to notice or understand anything.

As they made their way inside, Gauravi's steps were slow, as she handled her lehenga. The entire place was dark except for a few rays from random faraway sources that provided little light.

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