Chapter 45 : Together

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Gauravi took a deep breath and sat on her bed, she had taken the pill in the morning.

The family except Nishaant and Daadi were going to leave for the resort early the next morning. Nishaant looked at her tensed. Shiv had convinced the family a day back about the get together that was held by a few business families in a resort on the outskirts of their city.

Nishaant and Gauravi had been excused as they had said that that had an important monthly meeting coming up on Monday. Daadi had no heart to go, so she stayed back as well.

Shiv had convinced Tina to go ahead with the abortion process because they couldn't wait until the marriage certificate and other formalities. They wouldn't get an opportunity to keep Gauravi away from the family again. Reluctantly, she had agreed.

Nishaant had collected the kit on the way back from office on Thursday evening. Luckily, it was Friday, so Gauravi wouldn't have to miss office to raise suspicions.

Gauravi sat silently looking at him, telling him that she was okay. "I will go check on Daadi," he spoke walking into the balcony. She nodded and tried to relax and let the medicine start the process. She very well understood why elders always forbade girls from having boyfriends. Because one thing eventually led to another. She closed her eyes trying to not think about anything.

Sometimes life choices were hard. If she was honest, a part of her regretted getting herself into he situation. But there was another part that didn't, what she shared with Nishaant was beautiful. She had never felt so cherished, accepted and loved as she felt when she was with him.

Nishaant returned a while later to find her asleep. He made her sleep properly, removing the extra pillows under her head, pulling the bed cover over her.

He sat beside her, watching her. He missed her, she wasn't herself ever since meeting Dr Tina. He knew she was worried about the whole thing. Perhaps guilty too.

Dr Tina had advised him to give the next pill tomorrow evening. He lowered his face, and kissed her forehead sitting on the bed beside her.

It was a strange experience. He felt so terrible and helpless. He wanted to cheer her up. But he knew there was nothing that could cheer up a woman going through physical and emotional pain. He was just grateful to her.

It was unfair for a man to get only pleasure out of the entire process while a woman's pleasure came at the cost of so many changes to her body and so much pain. He just prayed Gauravi made through everything safely. He'd now think more than a hundred times before literally pumping himself into her. He gently ran his hand over her head.

He felt her move in her sleep, she threw her arm around him involuntarily moving closer to him.

He was in awe for the little woman. She only made him fall for her more than ever. He just wanted her happiness. He wanted that cheerful Gauravi who'd make faces at him and laugh whole-heartedly. He just wanted that Gauravi back.

* * *

Nishaant and Gauravi had just returned to her room after playing cards with Daadi on Friday evening. Nishaant had noticed that Gauravi's mood was good around Daadi. He waited while she used the washroom. Every time she entered the washroom his heart would skip a beat in fear.

"It's bleeding!" Gauravi declared walking out, evidently panicked.

"Just relax, Dr Tina had warned you that it may begin a before the second pill." He spoke walking to her closet pulling the drawer. He handed her the second pill. She looked at him biting her lower lip.

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