Chapter 19 : Keen Observations

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Later that evening, Gauravi dropped by to ask Daadi, if she needed help with anything. Daadi asked her to just check with the servants about dinner. Gauravi reached the kitchen to find Nishaant supervising them. She silently left, not wanting to face him.

Her thoughts got all tangled and messed up around him. It was best to keep off his radar. She couldn't help but recollect the light smack he gave her. The way he came Cloe but only teased her. She felt so damn frustrated. She closed her eyes, shaking her head to do away with those moments that stuck in the front of her mind. She would be a gone case this way.

Gauravi was glad that Dhruv had returned well before dinner time, she spent some time chatting with him, until he had excused himself to pick up a call.

Towards later evening, Garavi had found herself in Daadi's room, playing with Aayush while talking to Daadi. She would tell Daadi about how things were done at her home. Occasionally, letting out the secrets of her grandmother. For instance, how her grandmother still watched Amitabh Bachchan movies but pretended as though she didn't even remember who he was.

Daadi would laugh telling her stories from the time when her grandmother and she were young girls.

The more Gauravi spent time with her, the more she realised the fact that the Oberoi boys had a Daadi who was open minded and cool, unlike hers.

Gauravi took Aayush into her arms carrying him to the dining area. "Baby Aayush is hungry?" She asked in a soft cute voice. He was clearly becoming her favorite person in the family. But then, the Oberois were all such warm people. She couldn't have one favorite among them.

He frowned looking around, "mumma?"

Gauravi kissed his cheeks. "Your mumma, will come soon. Till then we will play the high-five game." She cooed. "See, Dhruv Chachu is here." She diverted the little boy's mind towards Dhruv. The smart little kid had finally started to notice the absence of his mother.

Gauravi made him sit on the table, while Dhruv played the high-five game with him. "Daadi, give me I will feed him." She offered, taking the bowl of rice and dal from Daadi's hands.

"Aayush, open your mouth, Hahaha.." she cooed but he moved away. Gauravi tried in different ways but he wouldn't bulge, he kept uttering the word 'mumma'. Dhruv gave up and so did Gauravi. Aayush was almost at the verge of crying.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed Nishaant walking towards her.

"Come on buddy!" He spoke to Aayush picking him up. He kissed his cheek. "These people are bothering you, aren't they. That's why you should be with Nishaant Chachu." He whispered. "l "You want to play with a ball? Then you've got to eat." He said pointing to the bowl Gauravi held.

"Ball!" The little boy muttered looking in his pocket.

"First eat."

"Ball!" The boy pouted.

Nishaant smiled kissing him. "Dramebaaz," he muttered before reaching into the pocket of his track pants to fetch the ball. However, he didn't give it to him.

"Bhai, sit here, " Dhruv spoke vacating the chair beside the one where Gauravi sat. Nishaant nodded sitting while Gauravi quickly began feeding Aayush.

"This boy is nothing compared to you three," Daadi spoke looking at Dhruv and then Nishaant fondly. "When you were little, Tej had to become a horse and you would only sit on his back and eat." Daadi grinned.

Gauravi smiled at Daadi listening to her words. She wiped the kid's mouth as he chewed. Occasionally, she would steal a glance at Nishaant instead of Aayush, very discretely. It was strange how he made her feel so warm without doing anything at all. He was so good at handling Aayush. The sight of two of them was a treat to watch.

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