Chapter 54.

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We have been travelling through the empty void of space for maybe an hour or 2 at the normal high speeds, mainly being cautious of the new hyperdrives adjusting to the ships engines. To be truthful, I don't even know what that device is supposed to do. Like it's purpose to make the ship move at such a fast speed. Does it inject something into the engines to make it go faster or is it simply an engine part? I just don't know. Kritos really must tutor me to help me work my way around a ships engines, in case I ever come into an emergency later.

But as we've been travelling to Yautja Prime, I've been having some insecure thoughts. Will the planet of Yautja Prime ever accept me as one of them? Even though I am respected by the P'Tuera, why do I feel as if I do not belong? Why would they EVER accept a Xenomorph into their clan when they are considered the ultimate prey? The thoughts didn't dare to leave me as we grew closer to Yautja Prime, which only made me more irritable and insecure. The thoughts would occur every now and then before, but now they were very frequent.

I sighed heavily as I took a drink from one of the bottles of reddish pink liquid I had taken from the Weyland Yutani space station, which I had read it's label that explained it was called 'Wine' or 'Alcohol'. The label also said that you had to be over 21 to consume it, and here I am 20 and a half years too young, drinking it anyways. It could be the very last thing I'll enjoy before I go and face the Ultimate Yautja, if I didn't prevail that is. But I have both super strength and speed, someone as bulky as him would surely be slowed by his own muscle mass. I took a final sip of the wine and set the empty bottle down next to me on the bed.

"Hey Mom, what was that stuff you were drinking?" Nova, who was sitting on the floor playing the switch system, asked.

"An earth beverage called Wine, there might be a drop or 2 of it left in the bottle. You're free to try some."

Nova paused her game called 'Animal Crossing' and came towards me, I handed her the practically empty glass bottle. She gently took the fragile bottle, put her jaws to the opening and slowly leaned her head back to allow a few streams of the liquid to fall into her mouth. The neomorph was a little confused at the taste.

"Huh, not what I-"

She then gagged and wretched, nearly dropping the empty wine bottle on the floor.

"Oh Pala!! That aftertaste!!" She hissed.

I laughed, taking the bottle from her before she could break it and setting it aside on my nightstand.

"It's not THAT bad, Nova."

"Yes it is!! It was really weird to begin with, but then that sour aftertaste was just NO. HELL NO!!"

My adopted daughter's disgusted coughs and sputters only made me laugh harder, so maybe THATS why you must be over 21 to consume alcohol. Because before that age you don't like it, that or she doesn't enjoy wine like I do. More than likely the second option. Nova smacked me as I only laughed at her overreaction, clearly annoyed with my reaction to hers. She crossed her arms in a pouting way and went back to play her game, grabbing the controller and sitting down on the edge of my bed.

That was when alarms sounded. I immediately ceased my laughing fit and sat straight up in my bed, the neomorph was frightened.

"Warning: Unknown Vessel approaching." Tundra spoke.

Unknown vessel?? Who in the name of Pala could that be? It couldn't be the Yautja monster as he wants me to come to him and not vice versa, so he's out of the question. Could it be Kritos and Karna?? No, their ship would've been recognized as the Genesis. So who is this??

The Purple XenomorphOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant