bonus chapter pt2 final(Do-Hyun's first heat)

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Author's P.o.v

Do-Hyun had been asleep for a while and..... Taehyung had fallen asleep while holding him so he would get good rest without discomfort. Jungkook was with Sun-mi and Seo-Yoon in the living room.

Do-Hyun kept waking up when Seo-Yoon would come into the room. It's something about Do-Hyun being uncomfortable with her something, aka Do-Hyun doesn't like being next to Alphas. it's a first heat thing, Jungkook was an exception of course. Jimin had come over just in case Jungkook needed to do something and Jimin could watch Sun-mi. Jimin had also brought his son, Yeonjun, they adopted him a couple years ago. Taehyung and Jungkook both think Yeonjun and Seo-Yoon are mates but they won't be sure until they turn eighteen of course

Jungkook was sitting on the couch with a sleeping Sun-mi while Seo-Yoon and Yeonjun watched cartoons on the Television. "Appa I want to be with Hyunie." Jungkook looked from the adorable baby in his arms and two his daughter. "I know bub but you can't it makes him wake up and he gets uncomfortable. You don't want that do you?" Seo-Yoon frowned and shook his head 'no'. "Would it make you feel better if I go checked on him and Eomma for you?" Seo-Yoon nodded rapidly with a huge smile.

"I will Take Sun-mi Jungkook." Jimin said and Jungkook thanked him and handed Sun-mi over.

Jungkook's p.o.v

I walked upstairs to the twins' room where Taehyung and Do-Hyun were. I opened the door a saw the cutest sight of the day... Taehyung was asleep cuddled up to our son. I walked up to them and kissed them both on the temple.

Taehyung opened his eyes and smiled up at me. "Did I fall asleep?" I chuckled quietly and nodded. "it's okay baby, you needed the rest." He looked at me a frowned. "I left you with Seo-Yoon and Sun-mi. i swear I was going to go down as soon as I knew Hyunie was okay-" I interrupted him with a quick kiss. "Baby! It's okay I can handle it and besides Jimin came over with Yeonjun so Seo-Yoon was entertained and Sun-mi was asleep in my arms the whole time, So don't worry okay I'm fine."

"Eomma?" Tae and I looked down to see Do-Hyun had woken up. "I'm hungry." Taehyung and I hummed. "We have just the thing, what does a lot of sweets and ice cream sound hm?" Taehyung said enthusiastically and Do-Hyun began crying. I panicked!

"Do-Hyun we can get you something else you don't have to have any of that we can get you a whole cake anything you want bub!" Taehyung laughed at my panicked state and I playfully glared at him. "Baby he is fine, his emotions are just all over the place because of his heat. He is fine with everything we got." I sighed in relief. I might have five or so years of experience with this but I still panic when my children cry.

wHaT dOn'T mE!!!

Time skip
Authors p.o.v

After Taehyung and Jungkook had calmed Do-Hyun down, they took him downstairs to eat all the treats he wanted, he ate all the ice cream in less than five minutes, and the treats he savored I guess you can say. It was amusing to Jimin and Jungkook and Taehyung was worried he would joke everytime Do-Hyun would take a huge bite. But what can he do, it's young heat cravings. Something he had to go through too.

Next day afternoon

Do-Hyun began crying again. His stomach hurt after eating all that junk food yesterday afternoon and he got to the stage of his heat where he hated everything and he was being really stubborn. He didn't like skin ship with no one other than Jungkook and Taehyung.

"I don't want that....No!.....No!" Do-Hyun said no to everything they tried to do for him or give him. He hated everything at the moment and it seriously stressed out Taehyung. Now he understands why his mother sometimes gave up on doing anything when he was on this stage of his heat. But he would never do that Do-Hyun, he will never become like his mother.

Jimin tried to help out and that didn't go very well, he got a spoon thrown at him.... a SpOoN! "Bub calm down, it won't help to act like this just breathe okay, in through your nose and out through your mouth bub come on you can do it." Jungkook talked softly, getting Hyunie to pull it together. Do-Hyun followed his father's instructions and took deep breathes. He soon calmed down and sat still instead of throwing a fit like he was moments ago.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook in disbelief. "How the boob did you do that!?" Jungkook shrugged, he honestly didn't know how he did that, Do-Hyun's had been going on for an hour and Jungkook just told him to take Deep breathes and suddenly worked, it was unbelievable. "I don't know I just did what my father did I would have had dreams when I was younger."

Taehyung nodded and smiled. "Thank you bunny." He said and hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook smiled and hugged his waist. "Anything love, I'm just happy it worked." Taehyung a Jungkook both agreed.

"Eomma, Appa, I'm sleepy and my tummy hurts." Do-Hyun whined loudly and Taehyung let go of Jungkook and walked to Do-Hyun. "Okay let's get you to bed okay and how about you sleep in Appa and I's bed tonight. And appa and I Will make your tummy feel better alright with big hugs and cuddles, yeah?" Do-Hyun giggled seeming a little more cheerful.

"Yeah it is pretty late let's get to bed, all of us. Seo-Yoon come on Hun let's go get you ready for bed!" There was no response. Jungkook was going to tell once again for her but Jimin talked before he could. "Dont worry, her is already asleep in her room. I put her to bed while you were trying to calm Do-Hyun down and I also put Sun-mi to bed so don't worry about that either." Jungkook nodded as a thank you.

"If you guys need me or anything I will be home, I need to get this dork to bed and Yoongi messaged me asking where we were so I got to go. Come on Yeonjun sweety." Yeonjun skipped out of the house with a cute little giggle escaping his mouth. Jimin waved them goodbye and left the house following his son.

Taehyung picked up a half asleep Do-Hyun and when to his and Jungkook's room. He laid Hyunie down and him and Jungkook both quietly got ready for bed. After they were done they laid down holding Do-Hyun that was now fully asleep he would squirm every once in a while because of discomfort.

"Don't worry baby in the morning you will feel better, you will be tired of course but you won't be in pain anymore." Jungkook watched his husband while he talked to their son soothingly.

"I love you Hyunie, always remember that." Jungkook said and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too Appa and I love you Eomma." Jungkook and Taehyung smiled down at their son with his eyes still closed. He began snore cutely a couple moments later.

"Goodnight my baby." Taehyung said and kissed Jungkook. They kissed for a few seconds and then snuggled I to their son and fell asleep.

They went through Do-Hyun's first heat with so much more to come but they can get through it because they are Taehyung and Jungkook.... They will get through everything together.

The End

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