Different people, The same body

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Third P.O.V

Taehyung couldn't do anything but watch everything from the inside of his body. He would scream for Jungkook but Gucci blocked him out. He was scared, scared Gucci would kill Jungkook, scared Jungkook would kill him. Right now he watched Jungkook scream at Gucci and throw punches, he could still feel it too. 

"Switch him back!" Jungkook said sternly. Gucci just chuckled. "I told you Jungkook, it doesn't work like that. You would have to kill me but the twist is, it would kill Taehyung and V too so you are stumped." Gucci chuckled and punched Jungkook and standing up, going to Goemul. He helped him off the ground. "glad you got to him. He was being a pain in the ass. He is so fucking weak. I get he is an Omega but fuck seriously it was like taking care of a grown baby." Goemul agreed and looked Jay's lifeless body. "I bet Tae is dying form that inside." Gucci smirked. "He is I can feel it. He is breaking down."

Jungkook's P.O.V

"That's good, the weaker he becomes or the more he breaks down he will die completely and I will be able to control everything without any emotions. And is wolf V will have to listen to me."  Are they fucking crazy, I'm not letting that happen. Taehyung needs to stay strong. I will if he does. "Fuck you, that isn't going to happen. Taehyung is strong he won't ever let you take over." Goemul rolled his eyes "We'll see about that, Gucci kill him. He is just in the way." He nodded and went towards me. He punched me in the stomach as hard as he could. It knocked the wind out of me, I got to tell ya.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I was telling and yelling for Gucci to stop but he wouldn't listen he just mentally told me to shut the fuck up and that I was being annoying. At the moment I didn't give a care in the world, I just wanted him to stop hurting my Kookie. I heard Jungkook's  groans of pain. He was fighting back but Gucci was stronger.

My father was just sitting and watching scene. I know this isn't normal for me because I wouldn't hurt a fly but I really wanted to kill him. "Gucci p-please stop. Y-you're going to k-kill him!!?" He groan. "That's kind of the point." He said chuckling and throwing Kookie across the yard just to make me mad.

Third P.O.V

It was no use, Gucci was going to continue to hurt him until he have up and let him take over or until Jungkook was dead and then Tae let him take over because he wouldn't want to live anymore. So either way he would win. Tae knew the only to actually stop this was to try to take over again but that would be too dangerous because it could possibly kill him because he is weak. Or......

Finding a way to kill him and Gucci. He knew it would break Jungkook but that was his two and only options. So he made a decision, he would try to take over again and if that didn't work the well... You already know what.

Gucci's P.O.V

I was beating Jungkook to a pulp and I got to admit, it was pretty fun. I still felt Tae's emotions but I kept that away locked up. He kept begging and begging and it was giving me a fucking headache. What is it with him, he is so helpless and can't help himself. I told him that haha.

Jungkook would try to fight back for him it was no use. I was going to kill him if Tae doesn't give up and even if he did I would still kill Jungkook so I would be killing to birds with one stone. Isn't that fun. (Gucci is a real dick).

Moment later

I was this close to killing Jungkook but Taehyung with his dumb ass had gotten away. He was fighting me again, trying to take control. It fucking hurt. I fought with him, I knew he would give up. It is so fucking difficult to get anything done with him around.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was ready for death, I could deal it. I was ashamed that I couldn't stop Gucci. With one more kick or punch, I would be dead. I waited for it but... It never came. I opened my eyes and saw him struggling. What the fuck is happening. Then I saw blue and then black, blue and then black in the eyes of Taehyung's body. He was fighting again. I smiled softly.

Taehyung's P.O.V

We were fighting each other in my body, it was weird but it was possible, for me anyway. He punched me and kicked me but I just didn't care I was going to win. I don't care if I died when I did but at least Gucci would be dead and be wouldn't be able to hurt Kookie.




I actually grew angry, I dont know what he said to trigger me but he said something. I grabbed by the throat and slammed him. Punching the life out of him. He chuckled with every punch. "You know if you forcefully kill me, you can die too."

"I know that. I DONT CARE!!" I grew so angry I was shaking. I just wanted him dead already. I forced my fist into his chest just like he did to Jay and smashed it. (You might be wonder how that is possible lol. Even thought they are in the same body. They have different organs and some different emotions.)

He yelled out of pain. And took his last breath to chuckle and then he stopped moving and became limp. I could feel free now and I could also feel getting back into my body.


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