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Taehyung's p.o.v

"So this is the Pack house, this is where the Alpha and his right hand men stay....Oh! Come here let me show you something really cool....Look." Jimin grabbed my hand and guided me to some stone.

"What is it chim?" I felt the need to touch it so I reached out my hand, but before I could lay a finger on it my hand was swatted away. "Don't touch it, it is super dangerous. We call it  the 'micro Stone', it's very dangerous. It contains high-powered energy, only the most powerful wolves can come in contact with it."

"So you mean like the Alpha?" He turned to me, taking in my question and then looked back at the rock. "I don't really know, no one does. he hasn't dared to try, It's too threatening, if you touched it and weren't worthy, it could possibly kill you. I heard from Alpha that you are chosen for the powers it holds but no one has ever has so we don't really know what it can really do, we've only heard stories." I nodded nodding in understanding, it was such a curious little thing.

"Well, I think that is about it for the grand tour, let's head over to the pack cabins. I'll show you which one you are going to be living in." Jimin said dragging me once again, I swear one day this boy is going to rip my poor arm off.

"Oh,yeah! And also we are assigned roommates, it's kinda like a buddy system. you'll be with Jungkook." I eternally stopped in my tracks.

Jungkook... He makes me funny....but not in a way I'd expect. I don't mind it?

"Could I maybe just bunk with you? I don't know Jungkook very well." I requested...requested? No it was more of a plea. But the "requested" was in vain. He just chucked and patted me on the shoulder.

" No silly, Yoongi is my buddy, but don't worry Jungkook is really nice. I feel like you guys are going to get along don't worry." I sighed in defeat and gave a small nod.

Once we arrived at the Cabins, Jimin pointed out mine to me. "here you go, the bed on the left is obviously Jungkook's so take the one on the right, okay? I nodded walking into the room and over to the bed. "Thanks, Chim" he gave me a smile and walked out, but before he completely disappeared, he spoke once more. "Feel free to settle down, my room is three doors down from yours so if you need me, I'm there." I hummed, setting my stuff on my bed.

I sat down scoping my surroundings, the room was pretty, it was decorated with pastel colors and the furniture was black, I really liked it. I focused my gaze on the other bed, across the room, the bedding was black and grey.... It was slightly boring but I liked it. It was nice and simple.

Being so endorsed into looking at the room and admiring the variety colors, I didn't notice someone walking...but it was just anybody...

It was...Jungkook

Jungkook's p.o.v

I walked into my room, jumping immediately seeing someone sitting on the other bed. That someone was Taehyung, he was looking around the room in complete. "Do you like the room?" No answer.

"Hello? Taehyung?....Hey, Taehyung" I waved my hand in front of his face and he jumped a little before he looked at me. How could someone be so deep in thought? "Oh...sorry, what?"

"I see you like the room, pretty huh?" He nodded with a cute tiny smile. So mesmerizing. I admired his face for a short while. But no one was speaking up so decided to small talk. "I've always like Patel colors but I never really knew why."

"Me too, I've just always been attracted to colors like these" He stated with a little giggle. That right there, that giggle. It was cheek punch worthy- wait why am I being so weird right now? I cleared my throat, internally slapping myself.

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