{18th Birthday #3}

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Taehyung's p.o.v

After Kook and I came back from the forest after all that commotion we watched movies and ate ice cream. Now it is finally time for the ceremonial celebration, I don't get why Alpha had to throw this big party for this, it is just an age. I know that, that's the age that you find you mate but maybe I don't want one, I'm perfectly fine on my own.(suuuurrre 🤦 that's until you find out who your mate is Hun)

I went to the pack house, they have my clothes everything. They really had this all planned out.

At the pack house

"Ah Taehyung you made it, come." Alpha brought me to a dressing room. I didn't know he had this. "This is your big day. In less than 20 minutes you will be officially 18 and you even might be lucky and find you mate in this pack." He sounded more excited than I was.

Jungkook's p.o.v

All the pack members were standing in the main hall including me. We were waiting for Taehyung. "Hey Jungkook!" I turned around and it was Jimin and Yoongi. "Nice suit." "Thanks Yoongi, you too."

"Yeah I made him where that, he was going to wear his pajamas but I said no sis and dressed him up." Yoongi and I chuckled.

Music started playing indicating it was about to start. "Oh come on let's go to the front, it's about to start." Jimin said walking towards the front Yoongi and I followed. When we got towards the front I got this strange feeling in my stomach, it wasn't an ache but it was butterflies. Why though?

"Welcome everyone two this special celebration. One of you mateless wolves might be lucky and be his mate. Please welcome Kim Taehyung." Taehyung walked out in this beautiful baby blue suit, his hair parted neatly, There goes the feeling again.

He walked down the stairs towards us, he was so beautiful. While he got closer Jk was whining, like whining for Taehyung, he was trying to go to him. I soon felt like I needed him, to touch him, to kiss him, to hug him.

I can't believe it! I'm his m-mate.

He stopped walking and we caught each other's eyes. I could feel his wolf V also trying to get to me and Jk. Taehyung's eyes turned a blue and not like the blue of an Omega but a very brighter and lighter blue. This damn speech Alpha is giving better end so I can go to him. I won't be able to hold myself together much longer.

Taehyung's p.o.v

Jungkook and I were starring into each other's eyes. His eyes looked like they were on fire. They were now an orangey red. V started crying out for Jungkook when I walked out here. I don't know this feeling. It is a foreign feeling.

I want him, I want Jungkook I want him to touch me. Alpha hurry up with the speech. I don't even know what he is saying because my body is just to focused on Jungkook. What is happening.

Time skip

It has been at least 20 minutes of this speech, I just want it to end. "Okay, I hope you have a marvelous time, enjoy the party." Finally everyone started scattering at the food or they started dancing to the music. I tried looking for Jungkook but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

I stopped walking and I looked around for him but he wasn't there. I was going to start to walk again but I was pulled into a empty room. The person kissed me. I pushed him off and saw that is was Jungkook. I smiled and kissed him.

Author's p.o.v

Their kiss was passionate and soft, it soon got more aggressive. They finally stopped for air because they need oxygen to live. "Did you...feel the same thing I felt. Did you feel this thing in your stomach?" Jungkook asked looking into Taehyung's eyes catching his breath. Taehyung just nodded

Jungkook's p.o.v

"What does this mean? Why was my wolf crying out for yours?" Taehyung asked still trying to breathe."We are mates Taehyung, we are connected, our souls are one." Taehyung looked confused and I would be lying if I said it wasn't cute. "Than why didn't you tell me sooner?" Now I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I caressed his cheek. "Well, you were 18 before me, so you would of known about me being your mate." I chuckled, he really has no clue about this mate stuff. "Baby, I didn't know either, I kinda did have this feeling we were but I wasn't sure. I didn't fully know because you weren't 18 yet so the dots weren't connected."

He nodded and looked down blushing it was cute.

Taehyung's p.o.v

I blushed at the name he called me, I tried to look away so he didn't see it but I failed. He lifted my chin with his finger. "Don't hide that face from me, I want to see it." I blushed even more. He has always had an affect on me but it his now deeper than before.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Jungkook asked and I knew exactly what he meant. I nodded shyly. He smiled and grabbed my hand and intertwined them. We walked out of the pack house towards our room.

This is going to be an interesting night.


Well that was......ummmmm....

There you go they are finally connected. The next chapter is going to be smut. I'm sorry if that kind of stuff makes you uncomfortable. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.




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