{First Encounter}

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Jungkook's p.o.v

I was out hunting alone, like usual when I heard painful howling, whimpers and like the curious person I am, I decided to follow the sounds. But as I got closer, a strong metallic smell evaded my senses. Blood. It wasn't the only thing I could smell, the wolfs scent, it was strong, a sweet smell, it reminded me of coconuts and vanilla. It was a new smell, nothing I have ever experienced before.

The owner of the sweet smell finally came into view but he wasn't alone...

There were two wolves who I assumed were from the sun kiss pack by the way they held themselves, pinning a wolf from the crystal pack against a tree. Crystal pack members were quite smaller than the other packs wolves, doesn't mean they weren't strong though but him....His wolf was small, his figure resembling one of a petite female beta but nevertheless there was still an unexplained sharpness to him.

Deep throat growls were erupting from the two big wolves to their small victim. It was evident they were trying to intimidate him, scare him, it was like he was next in line for their next meal...

To get their attention, I let out a growl, making my presence known to all three of them. Stopping right in their tracks, they looked over at my direction, their expressions conveying annoyance, almost like they were pissed off at the fact they were being interrupted.

"What do you want?" One of the sun kiss wolves linked with said annoyance visible in his tone. The pinned wolf attempted to get up and run off, but the attempt was in vain, he was pinned back down by one of the sun kiss members. He whimpered with impact of the tree. "You know....hurting our kind is against the rules" they both looked at each other before shifting into their human forms, both holding an annoying smirk of their faces. They looked young but they definitely weren't going to age like fine wine.

"You can just leave and pretend you never saw anything, turn around and go on your merry way and no trouble will be caused to you." One of them said with a playful tone, the smirk still dancing on his lips. I huffed, rolling my eyes. Cocky motherfuckers for sure. So annoying.

The small wolf behind them, shifted uncomfortably, whining a little from his minor injuries. I watched him closely as he tried to get up again but failed miserably.

I positioned myself to shift, catching all of them off guard, them both stepping back in shock. I was much bigger than they were, by a lot in fact. As shocked as they seemed to be they didn't back down."why don't you just leave the crystal wolf alone and walk away and no harm will be caused to you." I said, pointing my index finger at them.

One of them rolled their eyes and stepped forward a bit. "You see I can't do that, this omega here is in heat, have to claim him before someone else does." Omega? This white wolves an Omega, I thought they were only a myth, a bed time story.

I stepped forward, trying to seem more intimidating "I would listen to me, you see I come from one of the strongest packs in this forest so I wouldn't get on my bad side." Their body language seemed to shift as soon as those words slipped through my mouth. "This is not over Alpha." One of them said before they both shift and ran off. I watched them disappear into the forest before I went to help the wolf. One problem though...he wouldn't let me near him.

"Hey, it's ok....I won't hurt you." He loosened up a bit but still wouldn't get very close."May I see your human form?" He stiffened, looking around frantically, I noticed his anxiety so I attempted to calm him down. "It's ok, you don't need to be frightened, I wont hurt you, I promise." He hesitated for a minute but he obliged and shifted.

I was honestly shocked at how beautiful he was, his silver hair laid perfectly on his head, his lips were a pretty light pink and they looked super soft. his eyes were a pretty blue. His scent was driving me crazy, it got stronger the closer I got to him, it was intoxicating. "Now do you want to tell me why they tried to hurt you?"

"I-I....I'm in heat." Heat? What's a heat? Is it like an alphas rut? I'm just going to assume it is because I'm already super confused right now. "Is what they said true? Are you an Omega?" He slowly nodded, seeming a little hesitant to answer my question.

I hummed.

"I've never met your kind before, I didn't even know you existed."

"That is because we are not common, especially not male Omegas like me, they are not really welcomed in many packs because they feel we disturb the balance." He said grabbing onto the bark of the tree, I noticed he was attempting to pull himself up.

I grabbed his hand to help him stand up and as soon as our hands made contact, I felt this kind of unfamiliar spark of electricity.

Taehyung's p.o.v

As soon has our hands touched, this kind of like electricity spiked through my body we had a connection but I don't know why and how. What was it? He slowly let go, he seemed just as shocked and confused as I was. As he was in his little daze I took that as an opportunity to shift back into my wolf and run home.

Great, now another person knows of me, I'm definitely going to get in trouble when I get him. I should of just listened to Aloha when he told me to stay home but then again I'm stubborn....

Here is my next story I hope you like it. I purple you 💜💜💜

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