Chapter 69

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Billy's POV

I walk up next to Mallory as she watches Zak and Salem talk to each other as they look up at the building "What's going on?" She turns her head and looks up at me. "She was walking with him and started feeling something then asked about a lady who was here then Zak started to feel something." I nod then look over at them as they keep talking. "She has a gift don't let it scare I know she's little right now and as she gets older some days might be hard for her but with Zak, he will be able to help explain things to her." She nods slowly then takes a deep breath as she adjusts Damon in her arms. I smile then pat her shoulder and walk over to Hay to check on the equipment before we start setting up.

Mallory's POV

I hum softly as I lay Damon in his car seat then I help Salem climb in the car and into her car seat then shut the door and turn to look up at Zak. He wraps his arms around me then pulls me close to him and starts rubbing my back "Sweetie I know that you're worried about Salem being able to sense and feel things but I think that it's an amazing gift and I'm very proud of her." I think about my talk with Billy earlier and what Zak was telling me and I realize that they are both right. My daughter was gifted not many people could do what she could do plus Zak had his gift too and he knew what it was like to feel things he could help her and support her through it as she got older. I smile then kiss him slowly "Thanks for making me feel better." He nods then I get in the car and drive to the hotel.

Zak's POV

I look up from getting everything ready for the lockdown when Aaron walks over to me "hey bro what's up?" he sits down in the back of the van and looks up at me. "You think you and Mal might have another baby when Damon is a little older?" I rub the back of my neck and think about it for a few minutes. I wasn't against the idea and I wouldn't mind trying again I look at him and answer. "There's a possibility that we might." She still had a few years before she gets too old and I'm only getting older plus one more wouldn't hurt and three wouldn't be too much of a handful. He nods slowly then stands and grabs one of the cameras. "Good luck the two of you make an amazing family and the rest of the group would love another family member." I pat his back as he walks off. I take a deep breath then clear my head and get ready for the lockdown.

Mallory's POV

I yawn and rub my face then glance at the clock as the pale morning light streams in through the curtains I look up at Zak as he runs his fingers through my hair. "Hey sorry to wake you I want to ask you something?" I nod slowly then glance over at Damon and Salem sleeping. I turn back to Zak he takes my hand then looks back at me "I talked to Aaron earlier and he asked if we might have another baby and I was wondering what you thought about it?" I blink a few times a little surprised that he wanted a third one. I rub his cheek before reaching up to play with his hair he melts then moves his hands to my side I kiss him softly "I would love to give you another baby Zak." He smiles then kisses me slowly before we lay back on the bed to get some sleep before Damon and Salem wake up.

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