Chapter 41

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Mallory's POV

I sit outside with Gracie and Ares relaxing while I wait for Zak to finish getting ready so we can leave for our doctor's appointment to find out what we were having. I was nervous and excited I knew that Nancy had been looking forward to this appointment as well and Zak would finally have the chance to go on a massive shopping spree for the baby all I wanted was a happy healthy baby, I look up and smile when Zak walks over and sits down on the end of the lounger chair. He rubs my stomach and I put my hand over his "ready?" he takes a deep breath then nods we get up and get in his car and leave the house.

Zak's POV

I sign in when we reach the office then I walk over and sit down between Mal and my mom we knew she would want to be here and I also knew that Mal could use some support that didn't come from me. Mal leans against me and lays her head on my shoulder I wrap my arm around her then hold her close to me she squeezes my hand and looks up at I smile and kiss her slowly, I knew we wouldn't have to worry about any pictures or information getting out from here. I just hoped we would do a good job of keeping the baby out of the public until we were ready to have them out none of my fans even know we were having a baby and I wanted it to stay that way. Her name is called then the three of us get up and go back to one of the ultrasound rooms.

Nancy's POV

I take a seat, so I can see the monitor then leave a spot open for Zak, so he can be close to her she reaches over and holds her hand then he kisses her head and squeezes her hand there's a knock on the door then the doctor walks in. I smile and say hello then take a deep breath when she starts pouring the gel, I was nervous and even though he was being calm I could tell that Zak was nervous and a little scared about this. I squeeze his shoulder then look at Dr. McHale when she turns the screen in our direction, she looks at them "are you ready?" the both nod slowly and she smiles "congratulations it's a baby girl" Zak leans down and kisses her I turn my head so the two of them can have their moment. I was thrilled, and I couldn't wait to see how Zak would be with a daughter.

Zak's POV

After having lunch with my mom Mal and I start driving back home I reach over and hold her hand she looks at me with a smile on her face. "Are you okay with a girl?" I kiss her hand "I'm very happy with a girl I just want the two of you to be healthy" That was true I wouldn't be able to handle losing either one of them. I look at her stomach then back at the road feeling happy with how everything in my life was going, I had a fiancé, a successful career and museum, two great dogs and a baby on the way my life couldn't get any better than it was right now.

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