Chapter 4

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Zak's POV

I stand in the living room with her parents waiting on her to walk downstairs I couldn't wait to see her dress for tonight "ready?" I take a deep breath then hear her start walking down the stairs. She was beautiful I knew that she would be the prettiest girl at prom and I couldn't believe she was going with me I run my eyes over her dress. It was form fitting to her body, and I could see the tops of her breasts that were pushed up by the dress, she walks over then smiles "What do you think?" "You look beautiful I think you look amazing" I kiss her then wrap my arms around her waist she kisses back and puts her hands on my shoulders I pull back then put the corsage on her wrist and her parents start taking pictures. I take her hand then we leave for the school

Mallory's POV

After an hour slow songs start being played, Zak stands up then holds his hand out I take it then stand up he leads me out onto the floor as another song starts it was Take my Breath Away by Berlin, I lay my head on his chest he kisses my head tonight was turning out to be perfect I would never forget it. He starts whispering the lyrics in my ear as we sway while the song continues "Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say Take My breath away" I smile then kiss the side of his neck "I love you Zak." He looks at me "I love you too I always will" we dance for a few more slow songs then leave and go to Zak's house for the night.

A Few Weeks Later

Zak's POV

I look up when Mal walks in my bedroom with a bag in her hands and I wonder what it is she takes a deep breath then looks at me. "I'm late Zak I think I'm pregnant" my heart starts pounding I couldn't be a dad not yet not during junior year if she was pregnant with my baby I would stay with her and do the right thing because I love her I reach over then hold her hand. "If you're pregnant I'll stay with you we will be a family and we will raise our son our daughter together" She nods then I kiss her she kisses back then gets up and walks in the bathroom to take the test I run my fingers through my hair the next five minutes would determine my entire future I was junior in high and I didn't know if I would be a good father.

Mallory's POV

I take the test then wait for the results I was nervous the whole time I didn't want to trap Zak into this we were in high school I didn't think we would be good parents. I sit down then run my hands through my hair thinking about the baby if I was pregnant I wanted to keep it I couldn't handle giving up our baby I hear the time go off then walk over and pick up the test, it was negative. We weren't going to be parents I walk back in the room and sit next to him and he looks at me "what does it say?" I lay my head on his shoulder "It's negative we aren't having a baby" He sighs in relief and I hope that maybe in the future it will be the right time for us.

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