Chapter 36

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Zak's POV

I sit in my office and dial the old but familiar number that I hadn't forgotten in years even without calling for a long time I wait a few minutes then hear the familiar friendly voice of Mal's mother "Hello?" I smile at the polite tone that hadn't changed. "Hello Mrs. Kendrick, it's Zak Bagans, how are you?" "Zak? Little Zak how it's been such a long time since we've heard from you how have you been?" I lean back in my chair I guess it had been awhile and they didn't know how much I had changed and wasn't that little Zak that had dated their daughter in high school. "I'm good Mallory and I are back together we found each other here in Vegas and I was thinking about surprising her with a visit to see you if that was okay?" I wait for her answer hoping they said yes because they needed to know that we were engaged and that we had a baby on the way. "That would be great we would love to see the two of you" I nod then hang up a little later hoping they took our news well.

Mallory's POV

I sit on the couch on my laptop looking through a few things that we would need for the baby it would be a few months before we knew what we were having. Zak walks in and sits on the couch next to me and touches my stomach I look at him and smile "hey what have you been doing?" he looks at me "I have a surprise for you we are going on a trip this weekend" I look at him confused we had a lock down coming up that we needed to get ready for. "Where are we going?" he kisses my head "It's a surprise we will be going by RV I don't want to risk you flying for awhile it will be car and RV only" I stand up and stretch then look down at Zak "you my dear sweet fiancé are starting to become overprotective" he shakes his head and puts his hands on my waist. "I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby" I play with his hair then kiss his head softly before going up to our bedroom.


Billy's POV

I walk in Zak's office and he looks up at me "Hey Bill what's going on?" "I don't want to sound nosy or dig into your personal life but I was listening to some audio a few weeks ago, and I heard something that I wanted to talk to you about" he nods slowly then sits down in a chair. I sit across from "I know we are all friends and think of each other as family I heard the words pregnant, fiancé and Bagans is she pregnant?" he takes a deep breath then leans forward and nods slowly "she is but it's still early so we don't want anyone to know about the baby yet" he was afraid she would lose the baby. It explained why they were keeping it a secret and I wouldn't say anything to the crew until they were ready to tell themselves, I stand up "I'm happy for the two of you I think you'll be good parents" he nods "Thanks Bill" I leave his office and drive home.

Zak's POV

I go home late that evening and see Mal's bags by the door now it was my turn to pack for our trip to see her parents I go in our room and she's on the bed on her laptop. I look at the screen and see that she's looking at cribs, I smile and sit down next to her "see one that you like?" She nods and looks up at me "we could get a white crib because that could be boy or girl or I was thinking we both like black which could be boy or girl what do you think?" I think for a few minutes. I take a laptop then read the description of the cribs not caring about their price of them I wanted something safe and comfortable for the baby I lick over my lips slowly. "I like the black one more you should order that one." She nods then starts to order the crib.

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