Chapter 8

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Zak's POV

I go to my hotel room that night when we come in from doing the interviews I sit down on my bed and pull my phone out to call Mal to see how everything is going at my house a few seconds later she answers. "Hey Zak what's up?" I close my eyes when she answers "Just wanted to call and check on you are you and Gracie doing okay?" I hoped she said because as of right now she didn't know anything about my attachments I didn't want to bring her into that. "Everything is good we are having a great time together your mom even paid a visit." I knew I would hear about that from my mom she still loved the idea of me being with Mal even though up until now it had been years since I had seen her she wanted us to get married and I wasn't so sure about that. "Glad its going well I'll call you again later before I go to bed" "Have a good time" We hang up and I start thinking about the two of us and maybe we should get back together.

Mallory's POV

I roll over and pick up my phone when it rings I knew it was Zak calling again "Hello" "Hey what are you doing?" I look around his bedroom with a smile on my face "I'm actually laying in your bed right now it's comfortable your room is huge I'm a little disappointed since you had me sleep on the couch" He laughs a sound I hadn't heard in a long time "well that gives me a few interesting thoughts I was saving the bed for later sweetie" I feel a spark and wonder what that might mean "how did it go today with the interviews?" he starts telling me all about it and I can tell he's excited about this lockdown. "I miss you and I wish I was with you right now" "I miss you too Zak you'll be home soon." We stay on the phone until he falls asleep.

Aaron's POV

I walk over to Zak the next day while he's sitting outside by the hotel pool I sit next to him and look over at him "Something on your mind bro?" he takes a deep breath "I've been doing a lot of thinking about be and Mal the last few days and I think that I want to get back together with her" I didn't see that coming but I had seen the two of them together and thought that it might be a good idea. I would be happy for him Zak needed this she knew him and he knew her and since she had known him since before he became what he is she wasn't going to be interested in his money. "That's great I think you should do it she would be great for you." He nods slowly then stands up and walks off to get ready for later tonight.

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