Chapter 40

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Billy's POV

I look at a very pregnant Mal while she talks with Zak about this location we were in for our forth location for the Ghost of the Atlantic special we had been working on she was five months pregnant and was still wanting to work and help out but Zak wasn't having it he was worried she would slip and fall because of the rain. I watch as she looks up at him then she nods slowly he wraps his arms around her and kisses her head, she kisses across his jaw and he closes his eyes, I look over at Bacon standing next to the RV then go over to him "you usually come in a car what are you doing in the RV?" He nods in their direction "she had a feeling and wanted to stay close to him tonight and he wanted her to be comfortable and have everything that she needed." I nod slowly wondering what kind of feeling she had about tonight.

Aaron's POV

We get started on the lockdown and get a few small pieces of evidence before moving to one of the rooms and start rolling on one of the recorders I look over at Zak and notice he's not looking like himself. Billy starts talking then Zak throws a piece of our equipment almost hitting him he stands up then starts walking through the rooms close by and paces back and forth while Jay follows him to get him on camera he turns and glares at him. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE JAY!!" he yells and we start trying to get him to calm down I grab my radio out of my back pocket "Bacon have Mal come here please?" "Will do" I go over to one of the doors and wait. If anyone could calm him down and get him to clam down it was her.

Zak's POV

I continue to feel a rush of anger go through me and I knew that it was the husband that was affecting me I rub my face then look up when the door opens. I get off the stairs I was sitting on then walk over and see Mal standing there I take a deep breath as she walks over and hugs me tightly as she wraps her arms around me and I bury my face into her hair inhaling the comforting strawberry scent. I knew it was dangerous for her to be in here and I would talk to Aaron about this later, I close my eyes and move my hands to her stomach a few seconds later I feel something strange under my hand I look in her eyes when I feel it again "the baby is kicking?" she nods and smiles "it started a little bit ago." I feel the last of the anger leave my body. After being around her and feeling our baby kick I knew I could get through the rest of the lockdown.

Mallory's POV

Once I'm sure that Zak is calm and is no longer being affected by what was in the house, I go back to the RV and once I'm inside Bacon helps me sit down on the couch. He gets a bottle of water and a box of food for me I take a drink then start eating and I can tell he's waiting on me to say something. I chew slowly then look over at him "I'm going to bed once I'm done eating will you listen for Zak and let me know if he needs anything else?" he nods and looks at me "you got it boss lady if he needs help, I'll let you know." I snort and shake my head then go back to eating my food it was still a few hours until dawn which meant there was time for something to happen.

Zak's POV

Once we finish in the morning and the equipment is loaded up into the boxes I go out to the RV and go inside I smile when I see Mal sleeping I go over then sit down next to her. I rub her cheek then play with her hair, I was ready to be close to her and get some sleep I hated being away from her because I was afraid that something might go wrong or now that something could happen to her and the baby I lay next to her then wrap my arms around her and rub her stomach. I was ready to go home and have some time with her so I could be by her side all the time to finish the process we had started together, we would get to find out what we are having this week when we got back home I didn't have a preference to a boy or girl I was just missing home and Gracie and Ares.

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