Chapter 33

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Mallory's POV

I wrap my arms around Zak hugging him tightly before he goes in the old hospital, he wraps his arms around my waist kissing my head I lay my head against his chest. He rubs my back gently "we can reschedule this so I can be with you tonight since you're sick" I smiles shaking my head then look up at him "you need to do this lockdown it's just the stomach virus I will be fine over night you will be at the hotel in the morning." He sighs meeting my eyes. "You're so stubborn makes sure you rest and get plenty of fluids okay?" I nod then kiss him softly before pulling away. I watch all of them walk inside and see the doors get locked I bite my lip before getting in the car and drive back to the hotel.

Zak's POV

I walk up to the room of the hospital with the recorder on I look around "can you talk to me and tell me how you died here?" I wait a few minutes in silence keeping calm hoping for an answer. I jump when a word comes through "pregnant woman" there's more silence I would have to ask Jay about any pregnant women dying here another word comes through a few minutes later, "Fiancé" my throat tightens a bit and my thoughts go to Mal back in the hotel room. I focus on the investigation "is there anything else you want to say?" I lean against the wall and listen to the silence as it fills the room I relax and breathe slowly. "Bagans" I'm caught off guard and leave the room did a spirit communicate with me and tell me that Mal was pregnant.

Jay's POV

I look up at Zak when we take our break and I walk over to him "hey are you okay you look a little shaky did something happen to you in there?" he shrugs then looks up at me "did you find out anything about a pregnant woman dying in here?" I shake my head. "nothing that came up they all had their babies and went home" he nods then runs his hands through his hair before rubbing his face I sit down next to him "is something wrong you're acting weird?" he takes a deep breath and looks up at me. "I got a few words while I was in that room, I heard pregnant, fiancé and Bagans I think a spirit was telling me Mal might be pregnant" I sit there surprised at what he heard. "Before you freak out I think you should ask her in the morning when she goes back to the hotel"

Mallory's POV

I stretch out on the bed watching American Horror Story Freak Show I take a long sip from my chocolate milk shake then go back to eating my double cheeseburger and fries I lean back against the headboard and hum along to Gods and Monsters. I put my hand over my stomach when I start cramping then start feeling sick I look at my burgers and fries to make sure they are done then get off the bed and run into the bathroom and start throwing up. I take a deep breath and heave as more comes up I lean back against the wall panting and catch my breath. I stand up and rinse my mouth out and start brushing my teeth I look through mine and Zak's bags to see if we had anything, I throw the rest of the food away and finish my milkshake. I watch a few more episodes then fall asleep.

Zak's POV

I walk in the hotel room early the next morning I smile when I see her in bed sleeping then I look down at the small bag in my hand it felt heavy but all it contained was a pregnancy test maybe I was overreacting that a spirit said something so personal, but I wanted to be sure. I walk over then sit on the edge of the bed and rub her side gently she stretches out then looks up at me "hey how did it go?" "Good we got some really good evidence one communicated with me while I was alone." She sits up and smiles. "That's great news what did it say?" I rub her cheek. "Pregnant, fiancé, Bagans" She looks at me surprised "you don't think?" I hold the bag up "only one way to be sure if it's positive I will still love you and I'll love our baby I will stay and marry you and we will raise our baby together I didn't want kids before, but I want them with you." She kisses me then takes the bag and walks in the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

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