Chapter 65

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Zak's POV

I lean against the wall as I wait for Salem and Mal to come downstairs in their costumes, she wanted to surprise me and I knew Mal was going to look amazing as Anne Boleyn. I hear footsteps on the stairs then see Salem in black boots, leggings along with an hoodie and an old pair of my glasses that were missing the lenses she smiles widely. "I'm you daddy." She runs over and I catch her then hug her I was flattered that she had wanted to dress like me I kiss her head then hand her the bag for her candy she smiles and I look up when Mallory walks in the living room. Her stomach was high and round in the dress, her hair was falling down her shoulders I meet her eyes as she walks over. I kiss her hand and bow with a small smirk on my face "my queen." She smiles and kisses my cheek "my king." I run my eyes over her and notice her breasts straining against the top I lick over my lips slowly and she squeezes my side. "Save the dirty thoughts and that look for later" I snort and laugh then we walk outside to get in the truck so Salem can go trick-or-treating.

 "Save the dirty thoughts and that look for later" I snort and laugh then we walk outside to get in the truck so Salem can go trick-or-treating

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Mallory's POV

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Mallory's POV

I take a deep breath as I lean back against the truck while Zak walks with Salem I rub my stomach as I feel another pain I look up at Salem's voice. "Mommy look at my candy." I smile then look in her bag and wince, I feel Zak put his hand on my side and I look up at him as he looks over my face "What's wrong?" I go to speak then feel my legs get wet. "I'm in labor my water just broke." He looks around eyes wide. "Just breathe sweetie we will drop Salem off at my mom's house then take you to the hospital it's going to be okay I promise." I nod quickly as he helps me into the truck. I was glad it was time and that Damon was coming but I felt a little guilty that I had gone into labor while Salem was trick or treating.

Nancy's POV

I open the door quickly when I hear frantic knocking I step back when I See Zak standing there with Salem "What's wrong is Mallory okay?" he shakes his head quickly "she's in labor we need to get to the hospital can you finish taking Salem trick or treating?" I nod and help her inside then look back at Zak. "Call me when she has the baby." He nods then goes back to the truck and leaves quickly I hoped she had a smooth delivery and that everything would be okay with her and the baby I knew Zak was going to be thrilled that his son was being born on his favorite holiday. I get ready then take Salem outside to my car so she can finish up maybe by the time we got back her baby brother would be here.

Zak's POV

I walk in the delivery room and see the costume draped across the chairs, I walk over to the bed and take one of her hands. She looks at me and kisses my wrist then squeezes my hand tightly as she feels another contraction, I rub her back with my free hand "easy there everything is okay just take a deep breath." She nods then breathes deeply and exhales slowly. I kiss her head gently and she relaxes I help her lean back and rub her stomach "our son will be here soon I can't wait to see what he looks like." She smiles and looks up at me. I want him to look like you and Salem." I kiss her slowly then rub her cheek "I want him to be a mix of me and you your brown and my eyes he would be perfect." She nods then begins to feel another contraction as Dr. McHale walks in.

Mallory's POV

I cry out in pain then lay back against the pillows and feel Zak run a wet cloth across my forehead I open my eyes and look up at him as I try to catch my breath. He smiles then looks down at the edge of the bed "you're doing great I can see his head he has hair." I nod quickly then take his hand again and push when I'm told to. I pant softly and Zak rubs my knee "One more push you can do this I know you can." I lick my lips and push a hard and a few seconds later crying fills the room I relax, and sigh Damon was finally here after six hours of labor. Zak smiles then kisses my head and rests his against mine, I close my eyes and rub his cheeks softly. Giving him a son had been worth the difficult delivery.

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