Chapter 30

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Nancy's POV

Gracie runs out of the house when Zak gets out of his car I smile and watch him pet her and play with before she runs over to Mallory she smiles and talks to her before petting her and you can tell she's happy to see Gracie too. Zak takes her hand and they walk over to me, I smile then hug Zak he hugs back and looks at me before stepping back she steps up and holds her hand out, so she can show me the ring. I knew it was the perfect one for her when Zak had shown me the ring at the store I hug her I was so happy for them and I was happy that this was finally happening. I pull away and look at her "I always knew this would happen welcome to our family" Zak rolls his eyes and puts his hands on her waist while he stands behind her "mom" I laugh when he pulls her against him I knew he was happy. She goes over to their can and opens the door, Gracie jumps in and Zak looks at me "See you later mom" They get in his car and leave.


Zak's POV

I sit in the office going through all our footage before Billy shows up I look up from the screen when Mal walks in she puts a plate of food and a glass of water next to me I lean back in the chair and she squeezes my shoulders. I grab her hand and kiss her wrist she leans down and kisses me I kiss back then cup her face and rub her cheek I pull away meeting her eyes, "I love you sweetie" She runs her fingers through my hair then sits down in my lap I wrap my arms around her and kiss down the side of her neck. She turns her head and kisses my jaw then hold her tighter "I love you too Zak" I rub her back slowly and start eating while I look over all the video, I look down and see her sleeping against my chest I guess reviewing wasn't going to be her strong point.

Billy's POV

I walk in the room to help Zak and see him sitting in front of a computer holding a sleeping Mallory against his chest I look at him when I sit down "how long have you been sitting like that?" he glances down at his watch." "Over an hour?" I look back at her then lower my voice "You haven't moved in an hour?" he shakes his head "I didn't want to risk waking her up" he had stayed in that one spot and would probably continue to be in that spot until she woke up. That was devotion I was married but I had never sat for hours holding my wife afraid that she would wake up if I moved it seemed like we could learn something from the new engaged Zak he was making every moment with her count something people didn't do often, he was secretly a romantic person. He holds her with one arm and starts to do the voice overs with his free one and I was looking at a different Zak.

Mallory's POV

I move around slowly and open my eyes looking around the room I stretch then sit up and turn my head meeting Zak's eyes he smiles then kisses over my face while he rubs my side lightly. "Hey Sleeping Beauty" I smile and blush my lips down the side of his neck he gently bites over my shoulder and squeezes my side. I kiss him slowly before pulling away "how long have I been sleeping?" He moves away from my skin "a few hours you slept through Bill being here for the editing and reviewing I even did the voice overs" I didn't feel that tired when I fell asleep. I stand up stretching then pop my back groaning softly I look at him and notice Zak running his eyes over me and mumbling to himself, "let's order pizza and have a movie night?" he stands up and stretches "sounds good sweetie" I nod then go get my phone to order the pizza.

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