Chapter 22

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Mallory's POV

Zak had been going on more and more lockdowns, was busy running the museum, helping at the animal shelter, plus he had hired another crew member since December there had been a huge change between us. We weren't spending any time together I walk through the house then pick up a copy of I am Haunted and start flipping through it and stop on a sentence that I read repeatedly, "It's hard for me to have relationships because I feel that my purpose isn't to have a traditional life, but to dedicate myself to helping people and spirits while I'm here" Zak loved his job and I loved him I would always be second I sigh then start packing it was time for me to go.

Zak's POV

I walk in the house a few days later when I get home from the lockdown the first thing I notice is there's something different something was wrong it was silent I drop my bags in the floor then start walking through the house checking every room. Mal was gone I go to the living room then find a note on the coffee table I pick it up and start reading it "Dear Zak I want you to know that I'm sorry for doing this I hate that I will hurt you by doing this, I love you more than anything and I wanted us to work this time. You love your job on the show and the museum they mean everything to you I'm happy for you you've came so far since we graduated, I can't be second to that plus you said yourself you don't want a traditional life or a relationship. I love I always will take care of yourself" I had run her off I stopped being her Zak but I would find her and do whatever I had to so I could get her back.

Aaron's POV

I sit on Zak's couch and watch as he paces back and forth across his living room floor talking quietly to himself I knew that I should be trying to help him but I had only known her for a few months surely he knew something about her after all their time together. "Look Zak think about everything you know about this girl is there anywhere important or special that she would go?" he stops pacing then thinks about it for a few minutes he turns and looks at me with a surprised look on his face. "Aaron that's it you're a genius!!! I have close to three weeks to find her before we go on our next lockdown" He runs upstairs to his room to start packing his bags I wonder where he would end up going and if it would even work.

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