Chapter 25

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Mallory's POV

I look up from my spot when Zak walks in the house he walks over then kneels in front of me and starts rubbing my cheek gently I close my eyes and relax. "This lockdown is in a really special place and I want you to be there with me okay?" the location must not be bad if he wanted me to go with him and if it meant a lot to him he must have wanted to go there for awhile now. I put my hand over his then look in his eyes, "I will be there I promise." He smiles then kisses me slowly I kiss back and put my hand on his chest then look at him when I pull away "I love you" he smiles then rubs my side "I love you two sweetie" he lifts up my feet then sits on the couch next to me.

Aaron's POV

We all sit in the office when Zak walks in and stands at the head of the table "For our next location we are going to be there a little longer then we usually are and it's not for filming interviews it's for something more personal than that" I wondered where he was going with this. "We will be in my old home town where mine and Mal's old high school is that's where we met and it's where I want to propose to her after the lockdown." I never thought Zak would want to do that but I saw a difference in him when he was around her he was happier he was my best friend so that's what I wanted for him. "We can handle staying for a few days if you propose it will be worth the extra time" he snorts and we all laugh.

Mallory's POV

I sit in Zak's bedroom packing my bag for the trip we were going to our hold hometown but I didn't know where the lockdown was going to be but Zak had said it was a few hours out of town. I fold a shirt then look up when Zak walks in, he walks over and sits down "everything ready for tomorrow?" I pack a few more things "everything except some small stuff and my phone and phone charger" he nods then wraps an arm around me and pulls me close to him I lay my head against his shoulder. He squeezes my hand and I look at him "I don't know how I'm supposed to help on this lockdown if I don't know what to research for" he shakes his head "no research needed this time you're going to be there with me and help if anyone needs it." I was the Historic Consultant I wondered why this location was so much different than before.

Zak's POV

I pack my bag while Mal takes Gracie to the park to play I dig the box out then sit down and start looking at the ring I knew she would love it I just hoped she would say yes. I was taking a huge step here I knew I loved Mal, and I remembered in high school when I told her that we would get married, have a nice house, a few kids, and a dog we already had the house and a dog but I wasn't sure about kids yet. I had said for years I would never want to get married because of a few bad relationships, how things ended with my dad and mom but now that I was older and back with her I liked the idea of getting married. I pack the ring then finish getting everything ready to leave tomorrow.

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