Chapter 60

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Mallory's POV

I pull my hair up in a messy bun then put on my sunglasses as I walk into the kitchen and see Zak sitting there, I clear my throat and he looks up. "Ready?" I nod "I don't know why you're in such a hurry her office will still be there." He stands and snorts as we start to walk outside. We get in the car and he looks over at me "I'm excited I want to know how far you are so we can have an idea on when we will need our time off and I need to write down all of your appointments again." He was an amazing dad something I knew already and this time I wanted to give him the son he wanted I knew Zak's favorite holiday was Halloween which could possibly be my due date this time.

Zak's POV

I sit in the chair next to the examining table and rub her hand she looks over at me "Are you happy with two?" I kiss her wrist "Of course I'm happy about having another baby with you as long as they are with you I want them I love you and them I love our daughter and I will love this one just as much." I run my fingers through her hair gently. I knew she was nervous about being pregnant again since she had worked so hard to get back in shape after having Salem and I knew she was nervous because of comments I had made in the past about not wanting kids but Salem had changed all of that I wanted this baby more than anything even though when it was a teenager I would be old. I kiss her head softly then pull back when there's a knock on the door and Dr. McHale walks in the room.

Mallory's POV

Zak and I talk with the doctor as she checks on everything and runs test to figure out my conception date so she can tell our possible due date. She does an ultrasound and I turn my head to see the small circle on the screen and lets us hear the heartbeat I relax things were off to a good start and I knew Zak would do whatever he had to in order for things to stay that way. I sit up once she opens my chart to tell us what she found out "Right now you are a little over two months, so your due date is going to be in October." Zak rubs my back then kisses my head. "We made this one in London." I blush and cough while we keep talking to Dr. McHale I just hoped that everything stayed healthy for me and the baby.

Zak's POV

I hug her close then kiss her passionately as we walk out I pull back and smile "you could share a birthday with the baby or it could be born on Halloween." I rub her cheeks and look in her eyes. She smiles "In three months we can find out what we are having I may not be able to help out with the show as much especially if you do a Halloween special." I would do what was best for her and the baby and I would want to be with her when she went into labor. "We will come up with a film schedule that works with your due date don't worry about that now since it's just us two how about we go out for lunch somewhere?" She smiles then nods and hugs me. "That sounds great I'm starving." I smile then we get inn the car and I drive to a restaurant close by. 

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