70| Wonderland

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Alice opened her eyes, lips curling in a small smile as she felt Yoongi's figure beside her, still asleep, breathing in the crook of her neck.

Four months had gone by. Four months since her imprisonment, Evanora's death, the torture, Juliet... Now it felt so far away, it was already a distant memory.

Juliet's coven had left the country, finally leaving Alice and Megan alone. For the first time in forever, they were free and could choose to settle wherever they wanted. It felt pretty good, to say the least. They were so used to look behind their shoulder in the streets to make sure no one was following them, to lock the doors and to be careful not to leave any traces of their presence anywhere, they had to learn all over again how to not be scared all the time.

However, those four months of freedom hadn't been all that fun. Being abducted and tortured had left deep scars in Taehyung, Jin, Alice, and Megan. They all had their own problems resulting of this traumatic experience, and some of them dealt with it better than others.

Megan and Taehyung both closed themselves up. They spent a lot of time alone, dealing with the nightmares and the pain by themselves. Taehyung channeled a lot of his suffering through painting. His morbid art pieces, depicting gore scenes of bloody pentagrams and shadowy witches made him quite popular amongst the emo community. Megan on the other hand channeled her anxiety through sport. She discovered that she was a very good swimmer, and was going every night to the local pool, drowning her stress by pushing herself to the limit. Jin saw a psychologist a few times, saying he had been kidnapped by a gang instead of magical beings, and held for ransom. He had also spent a lot of time with Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok, his friends' support helping a lot.

Alice didn't do so well for a while. She had suffered more than the others during her stay in the meat locker and the experience left deep scars in her soul. Her defense mechanism had been to hold-on to Yoongi like a life jacket. He was her pillar, her crutch, and she had slowly healed by grabbing onto him like her life depended on it. She couldn't sleep without him, because he was the only one capable to calm her down using his empath powers when she would wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

The boy didn't complain. He was so happy to have her, still alive in his arms, that he was clinging onto her as much as she was clinging onto him.

Alice knew that their fusional relationship wasn't the healthiest, but she didn't care. He was like a drug to her, and she was so addicted, she couldn't even picture her life without him in it. She thought the initial passion between them, the whirling sensation in her stomach that was making her heart burst and her insides ignite every time he was around would go away in time, but it didn't. She still wanted to attack him with her mouth every second of every day.

Yoongi suddenly squirmed beside her, distracting Alice from her thoughts.

"Hey..." he slowly whispered, his hoarse voice making the girl grin, "Happy birthday!"

Her smile got even wider and she giggled, excited about the day to come. Yoongi nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck and kissed her there, his hot breath tickling her. Still grinning, she sat up in the bed, and slowly stood up, stretching her arms.

"Where are you going?" asked Yoongi, a playful smile on his thin lips.

With his messy bed head, he looked absolutely adorable. Alice turned around and winked at him, removing her t-shirt to expose her bare chest.

"Shower," she simply said, walking to the bathroom while removing her shorts.

Yoongi chuckled, his hot gaze following her out of the room.

Alice brushed her teeth before getting in the shower, letting the hot water flow down her shoulders and wet her long hair. She didn't have to wait long before Yoongi joined her, making his presence known by grabbing the girl's hips from behind and making her jump in surprise.

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