43| Infidelity

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Hoseok was on the other side of the counter, his eyes lost in the large mirror on the wall.

His reflection looked back at him; his brown curly hair hidden under his uniform cap, tanned skin and full lips pouting sadly.

His chirpy personality and toothy smile were what had gotten him a barista job in the first place, but today, Hoseok wasn't smiling to clients, he was simply looking at them come and go, eyes down while they were paying for their overpriced coffee.

"The hell is wrong with you?" asked Jungkook, looking at him over the milk frothers.

A couple of months ago, Jungkook had joined Hoseok as a barista when a previous employee had left unexpectedly. They had been working together since.

"Girl problems?" asked Jungkook, unsure about what could make Hoseok so gloomy.

"No, Emma is great," he simply answered, his gaze still focused on his own reflection.

The truth is that Hoseok couldn't stop thinking about the Sabbath night. So much people had died that night, and one of them had passed because of him. He was still haunted by the screams of the witch when she had caught on fire under his powers. He had been dreaming about this scene every night since the Sabbath, each time waking up sweating profusely and gasping for air.

"And you, what's up with Alice?" Hoseok asked, changing the subject.

Jungkook froze.

"What about Alice? Did she tell you something?"

This time, Hoseok turned his head to look at Jungkook with a raised brow.

"What? Why would she tell me anything?"

"I don't know," bitterly answered Jungkook, "I know she's telling stuff to Yoongi now..."

"You're jealous," said Hoseok with a side smile, "it's kinda cute."

Jungkook's sent him a lethal glare and Hoseok chuckled lightly, hiding his smile.

A bell rang, announcing that someone had entered the coffee shop.

"Hello! What can I do for..."

Hoseok froze in the middle of his sentence when he saw who had entered. Jungkook, noticing that something was wrong, turned around and his jaw dropped to the floor.

Her black trench coat was opened on a black strapless dress, showing her generous cleavage, she was smaller than both boys, even with her high heels. Her cheeks were red from the cold, snow covering her icy blonde hair.

Her traits were very delicate, porcelain skin and pink lips making her seem fragile, but on the other hand her whole persona was inspiring strength and control.

She was a little out of breath, her grey eyes focused on the two of them. She approached the counter of the coffee shop and Jungkook could have sworn that the male customers sitting at the tables around the shop all went silent.

"Hi," she said, looking at both boys, a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but my car just broke down and I don't have any battery in my phone... can I borrow a cellphone to call a tow truck or something?"

She was clearly a little shaken by her misfortune, her silvery irises eyeing the two boys with concern.

"Yeah... sure..." began Hoseok.

She was probably the most beautiful girl he had even seen, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her iron eyes. The gleam in her pupils was hypnotizing.

"I'm not that bad in mechanics, if you want, I can check your car," Hoseok added.

"That would be wonderful!" she said, smiling in relief, and Hoseok felt a weird warmth in his stomach.

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