25| Movie night

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Alice could understand more now why Taehyung and Jimin were ready to skin her alive when they had discovered she was a witch using black magic, why they were so prone to hate her. And all this time she had thought they were just assholes that didn't like anybody else who possessed powers.

In the end they weren't the bad guys.

She was.

They were right, her old coven was exactly like Taehyung had portrayed. They killed and tortured for fun and had a blast destroying people's lives and eating human flesh for lunch.

But she wasn't like them. That's why she had left. From the moment she had started to think for herself, at the age of seven or eight, she had also started to think that her own family was evil and to despise them.

She had endured them for a while, because she was young and helpless, and didn't know any better, but then Megan had showed up and had basically saved her from all of it, taking her away without looking back.

Thinking of Megan, the apartment was very silent, which probably meant she was gone with her friends. Alice looked at her watch, seeing that it was now 7pm. She had been cleaning her closet for the last twenty minutes and was now quite bored with putting her things in order.

Her phone rang, and she immediately answered, welcoming the distraction.


"What are you doing right now?" Jungkook's cheerful voice chimed through the speaker.

"Cleaning, why? Wanna go for a run?"

"We can't, we need to keep our strengths for..."

Alice cut him in the middle of his sentence, eyes suddenly widening in cold panic.

"The competition! Damn I completely forgot! The competition is tomorrow."

Jungkook chuckled.

"It's the peak of the cross-country season, and you forgot?"

Alice wasn't listening anymore, rushing in her kitchen to find some snacks to put in her gym bag and wondering where she had put her spikes and her singlet.

"This means we need to get up early tomorrow and eat plenty of healthy carbs tonight right?" she complained, opening and closing the pantries to look for her energy bars.

Alice had planned to eat at least two bags of popcorns and watch movies all night, but this was clearly screwing up her plans.


"Theoretically? You had something else in mind?" Alice asked.

There was a silent on the line before he answered with another question.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Like... right now?"

"Yeah! Why not?"

That sounded a lot like a booty call. Alice swallowed thickly. She thought their night together was a one-night kind of thing and wouldn't become a habit. However she had to admit it felt good to be with Jungkook. She felt empowered and bold and she liked who she was with him; fearless and carefree. She decided that booty call or not, she was in the mood to see him.

"Sure, you can come to my place."

"What about Megan?"

Yeah, this was definitely a booty call.

Alice smiled.

"She's not here."

"I see..."

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