34| Blinded

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In the screams and the general confusion, Alice got separated from Megan. She couldn't recognize anyone in the darkness of the forest and suddenly got scared, gripping Jungkook's hand in hers and following him despite the branches hitting her legs.

Tall trees surrounded her on every side, the eerie light of the moon the only source of light to guide her steps. Her heart was beating fast in her ears and she could feel the adrenaline in her vein, blurring her vision and making her run faster despite the scratches on her shins.

The girl fell down, tripping on a root and scratching her knees in the dirt, letting go of Jungkook's hand at the same time. A witch that had been following them, her black hair flying around, immediately jumped on top of Alice and crushed her in between her thighs.

The girl screamed and panicked, trying to get rid of her enemy by kicking her and rolling to the side. Jungkook came to her rescue, grabbing the witch's braid to throw her to the side like she was a human-sized doll. Alice heard the sound of her skull cracking open like an egg when it collided with a big rock.

A bright light suddenly appeared in Alice's field of view. Hoseok was just in front of her, fighting against two blood witches. One of them was holding a sword and was trying to impale him while the other had acid smoke coming out of her hands. Despite Hoseok's flames, keeping them to a respectable distance, he had difficulty to keep both of the witches away from him and cried in pain when the toxic smoke touched his leg, burning his skin.

The witch laughed loudly but didn't see that both Jungkook and Alice were behind her. She ended up crushed against a tree when they swung her towards the truck.

Her limp body fell to the ground and she was dead before touching the grown.

The other witch, seeing her dead friend, got distracted, and Hoseok took the opportunity to light her hair on fire. She immediately started to scream and roll herself on the ground while the fire was spreading to her dress. Hoseok looked at her body convulse under the flames with an expression of pure horror.

Unlike Alice, it was the first time he was killing someone.

"Come on, snap out of it," yelled Jungkook, grabbing Hoseok's arm and taking back Alice's hand to drag the both of them in between the trees.

Hoseok glanced back one last time at the burning body that was now unmoving, before following Jungkook. The trio started to run randomly in the darkness. Fighting noises and screams were coming from everywhere, but they couldn't see a thing in the dense vegetation. Suddenly a loud noise, like thunder, was heard to her left and Alice dragged Jungkook and Hoseok in that direction.

"It's Megan," she said, following the sound.

The three of them ran towards the noise, stumbling across the thick bushes blocking their way. Hoseok fell twice and Jungkook had to pull him up. His knees were now all bloody, just like Alice's. Noises above their heads, like the ruffling of leaves, alerted them and looking up, Alice saw a multitude of bats, their shadows contrasting against the moon. Finally they stumbled across another clearing, this one oval-shaped and a lot bigger than the last one.

Jimin and Megan were in the middle, back to back and fighting against at least five adversaries. Despite being surrounded, they were handling the situation with seemingly no problem at all.

Jimin had used his powers to create a tornado that was swallowing the blood witches one by one, the wind vortex picking them up from the ground like they weighed nothing and projecting them into the sky. Megan, using her power, electricity, was shooting lightings out of her hands, electrifying the tornado and killing the witches that were imprisoned in the hot air tunnel. The uproar of the electricity leaving her hands was so loud it was similar to thunder and for a second she really looked like some kind of goddess, her blonde hair flying in the wind and her eyes shining silver as large beams of light left her body.

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