3| Rainy kiss

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Monday was a hot, rainy and windy day. The deluge was constant and powerful, the air was heavy with humidity, and there was this damp moss smell in the atmosphere.

This weather made Alice very happy; she loved rain more than anything.

The girl was walking around the campus after her morning class, her black raincoat open, not worried about the powerful raindrops soaking her hair and t-shirt. She was happily talking to Megan, holding her cellphone against her ear despite the water pouring down her face.

"I think I'm going to do the cross-country tryouts tonight so don't wait for me to eat."

"You are going to do great! You've literally run all your life!" exclaimed Megan with enthusiasm.

Alice was going to say something about the irony of what her friend had just said, when someone gripped her arm. She looked back, startled, and her eyes met two chocolate orbs, a toothy grin directed at her. It was Jungkook.

"I have to go, but I will call you back," she quickly said before she hung up, putting her cellphone in her back pocket.

Jungkook smiled at her, a cute shy bunny grin that made the corner of his eyes wrinkle and Alice smiled back at him, wondering what he was doing all by himself under the pouring rain.

"Hi! You left class really fast earlier, I wanted to talk to you," the boy started, wiping the water off of his eyebrows.

He was almost shouting to be understood over the loud sound of the rain falling against the pavement. Jungkook didn't have a raincoat and was completely soaked, trying to protect himself from the rain with his satchel over his head, but his hair and clothes were already drenched to the point that they were dripping wet.

"Come on, let's go in there!" exclaimed Alice, pointing at a gazebo in the middle of the garden between two Law School buildings.

This place is such a cliché, thought Alice. A wooden gazebo, in a garden, in the rain, with a good-looking guy. She felt like she had just fell in a Jane Austen novel. Even the heavy smell of roses was a cliché.

The place was surrounded by high plants and trees, so they were not visible from the main road and Alice felt suddenly secluded from the rest of the world. She dropped her bag of books to the ground and tried to wring her hair, pushing her long humid locks away from her face. Jungkook also dropped his bag and Alice saw that his t-shirt was clinging to his skin, showing his muscular torso and defined abs.


She didn't expect him to have such an athletic body and she couldn't help herself but to watch him as he checked if his book weren't too damp.

"You are probably asking yourself why I wanted to talk to you," he started, "I wanted to say that I was very impressed when you helped Jisoo the other day," he continued, "I think you are a good person. It's pretty rare these days to find descent human beings."

He was grinning again, and Alice thought that he looked like a very tall, very muscular young boy if that made sense.

"Well... thanks," responded Alice. She didn't really know where the conversation was going.

"I thought about you over the weekend and I think you are a beautiful person, inside and outside and I wanted to know if you wanted to like.... go on a date with me or something."

Jungkook was now really shy, blushing violently and looking at the ground. It was too much for Alice. The rain, the gazebo, the flowers and this declaration... she would have probably started to laugh openly if the situation had been different. Jungkook was certainly handsome and he looked like a very nice person... but she couldn't say that she was interested in dating anyone at the moment.

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