61| Empath

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Jungkook cornered Alice and Yoongi as soon as they entered Hoseok's house.

"So... you two are together now?"

Clearly, Jungkook's intention was to look unbothered. Arms crossed on his chest, leaning against the wall, his figure looked as relaxed as ever. Of course he didn't fool Alice and Yoongi, who were both able to sense how furious and betrayed he really felt.

"No we're not," slowly said Yoongi, removing his winter coat.

Alice wondered how he could be so calm. Feeling how much Jungkook was hurt after seeing them just holding hands was breaking her heart. Despite everything, she cared a lot for the boy and didn't want to cause a fight between two friends.

"So you didn't sleep with her?" Jungkook directly asked Yoongi.

The pale boy didn't answer, he simply grabbed the jacket he had just removed and put it back on.

"Come on, we're going for a walk."

Jungkook's blank mask fell and an expression of confusion appeared on his face instead. Not saying anything, he grabbed his winter coat and followed Yoongi outside, leaving a flustered Alice in the entrance.

"So you did sleep with her?" Jungkook asked again, as soon as the door closed behind him.

Yoongi waited a few more seconds, so that they were further away from Hoseok's house, before he faced Jungkook.


The raven-hair boy took a deep breath, feeling the familiar rage twirl in his stomach. His powers were already awakening and tickling in his veins. The boy firmly pressed his fists together and closed his eyes tightly, trying to control the overpowering anger.

"You! Of all people it had to be you! You know that I'm in love with her! Why would you do this to me?" he yelled, his furious eyes glaring at Yoongi.

For a second, Yoongi really thought Jungkook was going to punch him in the face. He was even a bit surprised when the younger boy stepped back, putting Yoongi out of reach.

"Jungkook... I know what you're feeling... it's not love!"

A troubled expression appeared on Jungkook's flushed face.

"You're just messing with me!"

"I'm not!" calmly explained Yoongi, "you're drawn to Alice's powers, you appreciate her personality, and you think she's hot, but that isn't love!"

"Then why do I want to break your ribs so much?" yelled Jungkook, a dangerous gleam in his chocolate eyes.

Because you're a possessive asshole, thought Yoongi, but for once, he didn't say out loud what he was truly thinking.

Instead, he took a deep breath, and slowly approached his friend.

"Listen, you had your chance with Alice, and it didn't work out."

"That's only because you were always lurking in the shadows, ready to snatch her away while I had my back turned!" screamed Jungkook, his face turning to a bright shade of red.

Yoongi really had enough of his friend's childish behavior. Exasperated, he suddenly had the urge to just... suck all the anger and the jealousy out of him. Stretching his hand towards the boy, he quickly put his palm on the boy's firm chest, on top of his beating heart.

Either it works, either I end up bleeding on the ground, he thought.

Jungkook, surprised by the boy's action, didn't react fast enough and soon found himself with one of Yoongi's hand holding his throat while the other was harshly pushing on his ribcage.

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