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Alice was in an unlikely good mood.

The last few times she had used her powers weren't so fun.

But that night in the alley, she had used her powers for herself. She could still remember the surge of energy from the seven men bubbling inside of her while she was channeling their powers. It had given her such a rush! She had missed it more than she could even admit it to herself.

In the shower, with hot water running down her face, she couldn't help herself but to think about what had happened over and over again. It had never been her intention to run into a coven, but she was almost glad she did. The evening had been quite interesting, to say the least.

After getting out of the shower as fast as she could to put on sweatpants and a t-shirt, Alice ran through the living room, looking for her notebook.

Fortunately, at the moment Megan wasn't around.

The blonde was furious. Alice had put herself in danger again, and after what had happened, Alice was pretty sure that her roommate wouldn't speak to her for a while. Megan had yelled the whole way back home, which was a good half-hour walk, about how reckless and stupid Alice was to try to outrun an entire coven. After helping the girl with her wounds, disinfecting them with loads of peroxide making Alice squirm from the pain, she had just locked herself in her bedroom and hadn't come out yet.

Alice knew that if Megan saw her around those boys again, she would probably kill her with her bare hands, and really, the brunette didn't have any intention of dying anytime soon. However, she couldn't say that she wasn't curious. Witches were such a rare species these days and falling on an entire coven by accident was a bizarre coincidence. Moreover, it was always good to know more about what kind of sorcerers lived in the neighbourhood right? A little bit of digging wouldn't harm anyone.

Taking a pen and a notebook with her, Alice jumped on her bed, starting to write what she knew about the boys.

First there was the grey-haired one. Jimin? Or was it Hoseok... no definitely Jimin. The first impression Alice had of him was that he was the perfect example of the classic bad boy all the girls were crazy about; slim face, round cheeks, pouty lips, flat short nose and those deep fiery almond eyes making him look quite mischievous even when he was smiling. Who knew that under all the leather and the tattoos, there was a burning energy running through his veins!

Because yes, Jimin's powers were running in his blood and his bones. Those kind powers, like Alice's, were hereditary and at least one of his parents must have had the gene. The girl suddenly felt sick thinking about the kind of blood rituals her old coven would have done with Jimin if they had the chance to dig in their claws into someone like him.

Jimin could control the weather and the winds. Alice thought that it must be a really fun power to have.

Jungkook's powers, on the other hand, were everywhere, seeping through his flesh and moving around constantly inside of his body. Alice didn't have to reach very far to understand his magic, because it had jumped in her face as soon as he had used it on her.

Jungkook had this pure, raw, physical force that controlled him more than he controlled it. This was the reason for his mood swings. The boy could be soft and shy when his powers were switched off, but when they were switched on... he was like a Hulk, full of raw powers of destruction and ready to fight whoever was in his way; he was fearless and dangerous. Alice thought that she had been properly blind not to feel his powers when she had first met him.

She giggled a little, remembering that she had broken his nose by using his own powers against him. That was certainly a first for Jungkook.

After that, there was the leader, Namjoon, who was Jungkook's total opposite. Right in front of Alice, and she still had a bit of difficulty to reach out for his powers. They were well hidden in a corner of his head and it had taken some time to figure out what he was exactly... and the answer shocked the girl.

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