60| Outburst

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The travel back to Seoul was uneventful.

Everyone was quiet and morose, apprehending what would happen next. Alice slept the whole way, snuggled against Megan in the back of Yoongi's car, her sleep filled with nightmarish images of faceless people being tortured.

The atmosphere was quite depressing.

Finally, after a few hours the car arrived in front of Hoseok's house.

"Why Hoseok's house?" asked Megan, "I thought he lived with his parents."

"They're gone this week," said Jimin, "they're in Paris for the holidays."

"Yeah, but still... Isn't it a bit rude to intrude their house like that while they're gone?"

Taehyung, sitting in the front seat, shrugged.

"They don't mind. They love us. Hoseok's parents were always the only ones that accepted having all of us at the same time when we were kids so we basically all grew up in their basement. How many video game nights and pizza parties took place in that basement?"

"Probably more than a thousand," answered Yoongi, easily parking behind Jungkook's white SUV.

The engine finally stopped, and Alice's eyes fluttered open.

Silently, everyone got out of the car. Megan, Jimin and Yoongi grabbed their bags first and walked directly towards the house, leaving Alice and Taehyung behind.

The girl, still sleepy, was looking for her water bottle, which had rolled under one of the car seats during the ride.

"Are you looking for something?" she asked Taehyung, who was lingering behind for no apparent reason.

"I need to talk to you," the boy said in a cold tone.

Alice turned around to look at him, suddenly a little nervous. Taehyung was leaning against the car door, his height dominating the girl, his piercing blue eyes looking straight through her.

"I want you to know that I am watching you," the boy said, threatening.

Alice opened her mouth in shock.

"What?" she simply asked, suddenly feeling intimidated by his cold aura.

"I know you think you have everyone in your pocket, with your perfect plan and your pure intentions, but I can see through your little act!" the boy exclaimed, his arms crossed on his chest.

Alice felt her cheeks become unusually hot. It was like Taehyung had punched her in the stomach. Overcoming her first impulse to simply run away, she took a deep breath and looked back at Taehyung with composure.

"Do you really think I'm playing a game? Do you think I'm enjoying all of this?"

Taehyung stepped towards the girl and she took a step back against her will.

"I think you're using this situation to your advantage!" he said, "I think you're using all of us to get rid of your enemies because you can't do it alone. Now we don't have a choice because we're in danger because of you, so congrats for that!"

Alice couldn't believe her ears. She didn't even know how to defend herself against such a wrongful accusation.

"I – I would never use anyone like that!" the girl said, suddenly feeling the panic rise in her chest.

What if they all thought of her in that way?

"Well, you're already playing with both Yoongi and Jungkook for your own selfish amusement, so I don't see why you wouldn't use the rest of us." Taehyung uttered.

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