44| Spicy

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Alice was studying in her bed, textbooks scattered around her legs, tissues covering her blanket.

She was sick. It was a simple cold and she knew that she would be fine in two or three days, but it still sucked. Her head was pounding, and her nose was runny, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Somehow, she thought that maybe she was being punished because she had been such a brat to Jungkook. The fact that he had waited for  an hour in the snow and that she was the one being sick was clearly some kind of Karma.

Moreover, final exams were coming, and she couldn't afford a sick day, so she was stuck studying with her headache and inflamed throat.

"Glycolysis, the metabolic pathway that converts glucose into pyruvate," she read out loud for the third time.

What are pyruvates again? She asked herself, looking through her notes.

A coughing fit suddenly distracted her from her studies.

Maybe if I asked nicely, Jin could cure me from this thing, she thought, looking for the tissue box that was buried somewhere under her pillows.

Instead of tissues, she fell on her cellphone. Looking at the time, she sighed. The afternoon was well advanced and she was still stuck in the middle of the third chapter. Looking at her notifications, she saw that she had received two messages. The first one was from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Want to talk today after my job?

Alice sighed. She knew that she could ask him to come by... but she feared that after he had yelled at her the night before, things would be awkward between them. She was too sick and tired to deal with the drama right now.

Alice: Sorry, but I won't get out of my bed tonight. I'm really sick. Maybe tomorrow?

Looking at the other message she had received, Alice fell on Yoongi's name.

Yoongi: Hey, I bumped into Megan today at the library and she told me you were sick, are you ok? Do you want me to convince Jin to pay you a visit?

She smiled at the latter message and answered immediately.

Alice: I'm fine! Thanks for worrying about me, but I just need to sleep it off.

For a moment, Alice stayed immobile in her bed, looking at her cellphone screen. She bit the inside of her cheek, thinking about her next move. Finally, her fingers typed a message and she sent it before she could change her mind.

Alice: Now that I think about it, I do have something for you! So if you're around, you're welcome to stop by.

Alice was convinced he wouldn't come anyway, so she simply put her phone back under her pillow and tried to focus on her textbook.

Pyruvates; think about pyruvates.


The sound of the doorbell woke her up.

Alice had fell asleep, her cheek pressed into her notebook. For a moment, she stayed there, a little confused as the doorbell rang for a second time.

She quickly left the warmth of her bed to answer the door. Opening it , she came face to face with Yoongi.

"Hi," she simply said, thinking that she might still be dreaming.

Yoongi was as ethereal as usual, his white hair pushed back, cheeks flushed from the cold, onyx eyes assessing at her with amusement.

"Did I wake you up?" he asked, a smirk appearing on his thin lips.

"No, no I was just studying."

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