45| Hello darkness

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Alice was walking home briskly, holding her coat against her chest to try to keep warm. The sidewalks were covered in ice, and it was snowing again. She pulled her scarf up to cover her red cheeks, trying to protect her face from the brutal cold winter wind.

December was one of her favorite months of the year, but today, she couldn't enjoy the view of the little shops on the streets covered with white glaze because she was replaying in her head over and over again the conversation she just had with Jungkook.

She thought that meeting him at the University library was the best choice, because there, he wouldn't be able to yell.

Everything started smoothly. She apologized again for making him wait in the snow and he apologized back for yelling at her. After that, he asked if she was feeling better after being sick for three days and she said she was all recovered now.

And then it all went to shit.

Jungkook, his chocolate eyes scrutinizing her every movement, started to interrogate her about why she was spending time with Yoongi.

"Are you friends now? Was it his decision or yours to become friends? When did it start?"

Alice simply answered that they were friends and that the rest didn't really concern him.

Of course, this answer pissed him off.

Jungkook grabbed the desk until his knuckles turned white and Alice was afraid that he would break it. He looked at the girl with fury in his eyes and asked her once again what they were doing together.

Alice couldn't tell him that she was helping Yoongi control his powers since it wasn't up to her to tell him that.

So she simply stayed there, frozen under Jungkook's heated gaze until he mumbled a, "never mind," and left in a hurry.

She knew he was jealous. She also knew that it was misplaced jealousy and that he didn't have the right to feel this way about her.

And there she was, walking home in the cold snow, alone, and wondering how Jungkook, who used to be her friend, became so difficult to talk to. In the beginning, being with him was as easy as breathing but now, just talking to him felt like walking on broken glass.

Alice turned a corner, walking towards her apartment when she suddenly spotted a familiar blonde head in front of her.

"Hey! Megan!"

Megan, hearing her name, turned around.

She smiled at Alice from where she was, a wicked grin stretching her full lips, before she turned around again and continued walking like if she didn't see Alice at all.

What is she doing? Alice asked herself, accelerating her pace to catch up with her roommate. 

Megan also started to walk faster, bumping into people on the sidewalk to go past them. Alice, a little confused by her behavior, followed her through the crowd.

The blonde, a few meters in front of her, kept walking faster and Alice almost had to run to keep up the pace. Finally, she turned into a back street and Alice, turning the corner of the small alley came face to face with her.

It is at that exact moment Alice understood her mistake. The girl in front of her looked exactly like Megan, but it wasn't her.

She couldn't feel Megan's sparkling electric energy inside of this girl, instead, she could feel a black, thick energy like ink, pouring from her heart like tar.

Alice narrowed her eyes, looking at her suspiciously.

"Juliet! What are you doing here?" she asked, crossing her arms on her chest.

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