14| Answers

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It took Jungkook a good ten seconds before he finally closed his mouth. He was still astonished when he started to speak again, enlarged eyes glaring at Alice with shock.

"You can communicate with spirits?"

"Yes Jungkook, I can talk to ghosts."

The girl was smiling widely, amused by the boy's s state of bewilderment.

"I thought your power was to take other people's powers," he replied.

Alice grinned further, eyes narrowing in a mischievous expression.

"I'm a girl of many talents."

"You called ghosts last night in the alley?"

"I still don't remember what happened in the alley," Alice answered, somber, "But my guess is that in a moment of panic, I asked for help and those spirits were the ones to show up."

"Holy shit," was the only thing Jungkook thought good enough to reply to that, "It means I actually saw dead spirits yesterday."

"Yes, but it also means I need to go on a clean-up mission today because I can't let these ghosts roam the city freely," explained Alice, discouraged.

The only thing she wanted to do at the moment was to go home, take a shower and go to sleep. She wasn't in the mood to face anyone right now, especially not dead people. The mere idea of going back to the alley where she was assaulted to look out for spirits was making her skin crawl. However, she knew it was necessary. Bad spirits could cause a whole lot of chaos and she needed to take care of it now, or the damages could be a lot worse later on.

"Can I come with you?" Jungkook asked with shiny eyes.

Alice happily accepted his offer with a sigh of relief. After what had happened with the last spirit she had crossed path with, she was ready to take all the help she could get. She was also reassured at the idea of having Jungkook around when she would find herself once more in the dreaded small alley. Her fresh trauma didn't allow her to go back there all alone.

After they finished eating, Alice asked Jungkook if she could take a shower and borrow some clothes before doing anything else. She felt contaminated and nasty at the moment, uncomfortable in her own skin, like she had been spoiled by the touch of the men that had assaulted her. However, after scrubbing her whole body clean under the hot water and using more soap than she had used in the last month, she was already feeling more like herself. Jungkook decided to dig in the house lady's clothes to find her something to wear, and that's how Alice found herself wearing a brown skirt that fell to her feet and a long purple-sleeved t-shirt.

"You look ridiculous," Jungkook giggled, glaring at Alice's new look.

The clothes were way too large for her, fitting loosely around her body and making her look chunky.

"I didn't want to borrow some of her expensive clothes... so this is what you brought me that didn't look too fancy."

Jungkook smirked at her, shaking his head in disapproval.

"You do know that they left all of this behind for three years, right? They probably don't need it anyway."

"I know, but still I feel like I'm intruding," claimed Alice, trying to pull the skirt up a little.

She rolled the waistline a couple of times so it wouldn't fall down as she walked.

"You do smell really good with my shampoo, though," softly observed Jungkook, almost shy as he peered at her under his eyelashes.

"Thanks. I look like an ogress but at least I smell decent."

Jungkook laughed loudly, eyes crinkling, and Alice smiled in turn, liking how high-pitched he sounded when he was truly and unrestrainedly amused.

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